Sunday, May 11, 2008

One Step Side Effect Bleeding Pregnant

Zarathustra BLOGGER

What date makes its appearance on the Web "The Eagle's Zarathustra?
September 2006. Almost two years to write these hybrid texts under the title of The Eagle of Zarathustra, could give a balance and say it was an enriching experience vital growth as a writer, so much so that helped me to "get fit" with the two indexes and perform longer projects. To date I have completed during this time of year: The vacuum cleft, prophetic verses, A successive seasons, and ultimately Journal. The recent record of nineteen volumes of poems in Indecopi realize that my exercise is not free. Being a blogger reaffirms a position in the literary world, the real work of writer should consciously-imposed Literature is sweating, first and foremost. The only way to evoke inspiration this lady is forcing.
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging literary courses, to split the paths, he urged. To a malaise that stemmed from my environment, the need arose to attack the routine, as an alternative to the verses, an try other literary delights, write reviews, articles, hybrid texts. I think a writer should be immersed in all literary genres in order to take a breather, say, a "strong" in my case, poetry, and often drown out the routine sometimes.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
One way to be critical, is to be self-critical. Self knows his own shortcomings, their own limitations. Always fumble with my faults, say that I serve as material for arrow point there in what I Scotsman others. Always attacked the tax on my hybrid texts, the mannered, the condescending, the stablishement. Many prefer the sweet taste, but hardly anyone likes of sullen in the literature and that is where I aim, as the very title suggests, I think the unit the blog is worth "the philosophy of the hammer" advocated by Nietzsche. And I do not think I get anything wrong, but little of Mr. liver, so, passing through that stage and I can not help it. I think more than a hit, The Eagle has generated Zarathustra rejection in most people, understandably repellency to the full view of a drowsiness entrenched in society. People do not like to be wild in the critical defects, as they say, "the truth hurts"
Could you mention some favorite post published?
Random quote: When Christmas rages, Slaves of the assumptions, Blind prayers suicide. The Eagle of Zarathustra is a book that I work with gusto, and was born on the Web, and whenever I try to refrain from hanging the texts, I feel sick. I believe that although not well received, much less critically, "at least generate an upset, necessary to enable him to live.
What are the blogs I usually visit?
There is a group of Peruvians who always visited by the case that the novelty, of which no one escapes, and to be aware of what happens in my environment (Moleskine Literary News Area, Light Limbo , Airlift, Black Sun,
etc.), after that I have no longer that to read and write two hours a day, my journal, which is now at 360 pages, and threatens to get to hold a 2009 with a thousand pages and pages I do not mean no substance (warn).
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
few months ago I read an interesting article in El Pais on the growing demand for ebooks and computerized devices, which although not entirely displace the printed book, at least make it good competition. Now who is not aware of what's happening in the literary world is on their own. The idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing a book simultaneously in electronic and paper has become a unique option irresistible. Quietly you can trade a book on the Web, while available in bookstores, and so the spread are amplified. The virtual magazines have taken good advantage of the virtual space, so much so that they have increased, since the cost is minimal, and large-scale dissemination. The print magazines hang their previous numbers, this shows that the review of books and magazines demand is gaining by leaps and bounds, but in fact never will supply the printed book.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
is a tool that universalized the amateur writer, the consecrated, the provincial. The forth and so have helped them continue their work or change its course, to the precise end, with comments from readers who often provide ideas, material. The hang a book on a blog just opens doors to publishers. I have heard of several successful books on sales that were born as blogs or blogs. Would not surprise me that there emerge good best-sellers.
Do you think that blogs have become in an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
alternative but not only exceed the known means. Through a blog you learn faster and easier presentation of a book or set a new author. The mainstream media often do not promote small-authors, so that blogs are taking advantage of it to newspapers known.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
Sure, I have often read in newspapers cite this blog, or vice versa, I think both play a role somewhat symbiotic, complementary. Today more than ever, the literature is the one that is taking advantage of the blogging revolution. Until about five years ago was very difficult for a young author to promote their debut today, the diffusion process is easier.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
The authors arrive faster to readers via blogs. In the future I think the most dedicated have not created a blog eventually create one. Mario Vargas Llosa I hope some day be given time at least once a month to post an article. I hope the return of Roncagliolo, for example.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
I decided to ignore them, I disabled the comment moderation, to see who they attack, ball cowards.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
De liróforo dilettante I have become disciplined writer. Not a day that at least do not write a couple of hours. I think we should all get used to a schedule for writing, but nothing happens.
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
Cortázar, Ribeyro, Vargas Llosa, Steiner, Nietzsche, Hesse, Thomas Mann, American poetry, English china, Goethe, Henry Miller, the beat generation, Bukowski ... The reading of books that make it indispensable. I have read for the fourth time Rayuela. I re-read Ulysses. Reading essays and articles have recently invaded my night table. Happen to wake up a reflective space, space that is me serving as a quarry to explore inside of me, one to put my thoughts in writing, that every day I own my multifaceted Journal passionate.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
Hopscotch, The Tropics, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the great poetry of Vallejo and More, Sartre. Rayuela fascinates me, I think a good example of how literature is not only committed to certain put the right word at the right time but also the desire Kibbutz rummaging through all this amalgam of cold reasoning or humanized through literature that is both a way of life and responsibility with the aesthetics of the building.
"Project (s) on the verge?
Journal, dissimilar literary hulk by now framed, take it out in poetic mouth eager and disciplined the daily task of writing a personal vision and philosophy of constantly chaotic and uncertain world, but not shrews magical memories of ghosts, to Over hundreds of sincere pages grow and grow as a benign cancer. We plan also to the guys in my organization Kcreatinn the third number, a magazine that will yield a well-deserved cronopio tribute to Argentina. Closure of issue: 30 May. Is fairly nourished and serious, worthy of a great experimenter as was Julio Cortázar.


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