Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cloudy White Mucus Late Pregnancy

Detective - homage to Dante Ocampo, a great artist and friend of which I learned a lot -

dedicate this posting especially the one of the many people they respect a lot as an artist and I have the pleasure to meet ..... the list is large, are people through whom I grew and improve artistically including are : Ariel
Hugo Ayala , Dante Ocampo, Pablo Bello, Sergio minig , Mario Fabrizzi , Juan and Nuñez Cristian Sauret .

But this time the tribute is for Dante, and decided to dedicate this picture especially on because I know that enjoy drawing known apes and monkeys of all kinds, shapes and sizes .....


Monday, August 10, 2009

Tattoos Over Keratosis Polaris


I color a picture I played myself right?