Saturday, May 31, 2008

Peyton Angel Of Death Make Up


Sonia Luz Carrillo -poet, journalist and senior lecturer at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, making its foray into the blogosphere in September 2006 with the log virtual Talk Sonia Luz. " Somehow, the title of his blog suggests the presence of a voice that is a testimony and reflection of a career devoted to poetry, journalism, research and university teaching. "Talk Sonia Luz " becomes a projection of the pillars that are leitmotiv of his existence: " Liberty and the pursuit of beauty and equity." In "Talk Sonia Luz " find posts in literature, communication, culture, commentary on current issues, some of his poetry, among others.
On the other hand, we appreciate the last post dedicated this extraordinary Peruvian poet, died recently, Alejandro Romualdo . What better tribute to Alejandro Romualdo than Sonia Luz, a friend of the poet.
To access the blog " Talk Sonia Luz, "click


poet, journalist and Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of San Marcos, with a Ph.D. and MS in Peruvian and Latin American Literature. He is currently teaching the Academic Department of Social Communication and the Post-graduate of that faculty and Researcher, Institute for Humanities Research
Member of the poetic generation years 70 ', has published the poetry books:
no name, in 1973, Poems (1976), The Burning Heart (1979); The reality in a darkroom (1981), Land of all (1989); The fruits on the table ( 1998).
Among other major publications, his poems are part of the Anthology of twentieth-century Peruvian poetry prepared by the French scholar Claude Couffon. (Peruvienne Poesie du XX siecle d'expression anglaise. Geneve, Switzerland: Editions Patiño, 2000 p. 511). Similarly, his work translated into Italian poetry is contained in a selection of universal poetry of all time:
is also representing the Peruvian poetry in the anthology Poetic Trilogy of Women in Latin America. Volume III. Selection of Leticia Luna, Mexico, Ediciones The crew / Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2004.
is the author of books of essays: Dialogue between peoples. New World Information Order (1985), expanded and reissued in 1990; Course reality. Poetic process 1945 - 1980 (coauthor, 1987), The communication professionals. Study focused on the direct issuer subject (San Marcos, Lima 1994) and Literature and Journalism. The story of journalism and literary narrative. (1999); Games of truth and falsehood. Advertising and adolescents in Lima TV (2000).
What date makes its appearance on the Web?
I am in the world of blogging since early September 2006

what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
As I say in the header of the blog, I decided to make known my astonishment, perplexity and some other finding. Speaking of life, publish my poems, some studies (not all, I am aware of the risk of plagiarism), defending a couple of things I believe: the liberty and the pursuit of beauty and fairness, for example.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
A Date, May 14, these are the figures. Views Total: 129.240
The post with the highest readership:
" August Moon. Basho " 8.941
" The Christ of Velasquez in the poetry of Miguel de Unamuno " 7, 797
" Women in The House Adam Martin carton "6.102
" The poet Alejandro Romualdo in Peruvian poetry " 3.655
" sense of humor and style in Vallejo " 1.780
"poeticized City" 1.648
" Word for word, Alejandro Romualdo "
" New insights Nazca lines"
And many others that exceed a thousand visitors.

Could you mention some favorite post published?
As you will understand there are some that I like more than others but all of them I have sympathy. Might have to mention that have to do with literature and especially my category "Garden of Earthly Delights."

What are the blogs I usually visit?
Almost all listed in my Blogroll: marita's uterus, the bottom of the glass, things that (I) pass, Pospost, Carlincaturas, ClubCultura, notebook draft, from the third floor, Melomania, words to pits, DIAPOREN Philosophical Investigations, Generation and black sun, words come and go, Urbanotopía, and many others.
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication books, literary journals and personal pages?
I think a great opportunity that provides the technology to bring new content to more people.

What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
Blogs are free spaces. As I said a few lines ago, is a great opportunity to express the different, diverse. But must be accompanied by a quality education to ensure appropriate criteria to know how to choose true freedom.

Do you think that blogs have become an alternative way dissemination and expression to the traditional media? I think
play a complementary role. Some blogs are dedicated to comment on what has previously appeared in the general media. In blogs often repeat the same errors. It is also true that many media feed and even copied (without citation, which is serious), which has previously been posted on blogs. There are cases of very useful information campaigns that have forced the "big media" interested in matters that were not covered.

Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their formats and traditional medium of expression? Yes
attempts are noted mainly related to interactivity.

What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
I hope many more blogs emerge and they will be giving the new sensibilities. All those that are denied by media companies and their particular political interests and chrematistic. In the short term I think many blogs are going to continue feeding on the general media or "mass", except in very personal. In the long term, is a mystery full of hope.

What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
guess they do honor to his name. Personally I do not know.

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
To me it is an entirely free space where I can post my poems, spread my work, comment on my concerns, honor to whom I please, explain my concerns. I had no expectations beyond expressing. And yes, I've been doing with great satisfaction, although I often consume many hours you should spend sleep. I work hard during the day and not a few sleepless mornings I dealing with my lack of skill in the technical aspects. I have a readership that high and I think sometimes I worry no more time. But it's an overnight sensation because, as I like to say, is something I do for fun. For pure pleasure.

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
would be very long list. Classic and contemporary. Do not forget that besides being a poet I teach college and I completed a doctorate in literature. My schedule of readings is almost as long as my life.

What books or book (s) have caused major impact on your creative process or your contact literature?
Many authors and books to which I return. Among them, mention all Vallejo, poetry, wind, etc.. But, again, are many. Endearing.

"Project (s) on the verge?

continue living. Continue reading. Keep writing.

Contact Email:

Sunday, May 25, 2008

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Peruvian writer and researcher Carlos García Miranda is the administrator of the literature blogs feather weight and Coffee and Cigarettes. The first contains articles on one of its main interests, however, not the only narrative. There we find the narrative texts Peruvian and violence of the eighties and Lima in the writings of Julio Ramón Ribeyro or, among others. On the other hand, Coffee and Cigarettes , Carlos García Miranda postea articles about poetry. It is in this way we will find the post Verástegui and Bolaños story of a feud, a text on the poet Domingo de Ramos, who CGM wrote on the occasion of the presentation of poems Altamira Ashes and a recent interview with Leo Zelada, a Neon group's founders.

Here are the links to access feather weight and Coffee and Cigarettes :

About the author:
Carlos García Miranda (Lima, 1968) conducted doctoral studies at the University of Salamanca, Spain. 2006 - 2007 biennium, a grant from the Fundación Carolina. MA in Hispanic Studies from the English Language Institute, a member of the Council for Scientific Research of Spain (CSIC), grant from the Fundación Carolina. BA in Literature from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Master studies in Peruvian and Latin American Literature at the Graduate School of San Marcos. Bachelor of Education specializing in Language and Literature at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Teacher named in the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Writer, researcher, editor and contributor to publications in literature. Has published a book of stories bare room (Lima, Toe Reviewer, 1996), first prize in the Floral Games of San Marcos Interuniversity, 1992, and the novel THE DOORS (Lima, Toe Reviewer, 2002), finalist in the National Contest Novel of the University Federico Villarreal, 2000.


What date makes its appearance on the Web your first blog?
in 2000.

what purpose (s) or initial motivation?

Search information.

What are the blogs I usually visit? The
the newspaper.

What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
Well, although I recognize the merits of weblogs, always prefer the books published on paper.

What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free? Much information


Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
In Peru, I think not. Never one to compare to post an essay or article itself.

Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
No, graphic design originated in magazines and newspapers in print, and now has its own aesthetic.

What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
depend on the use to which they give.

What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
That trash.

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
I could streamline the information gathering, but nothing more. A quality of content, I always do better with books published.

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
Too many to mention here.

What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
There are several. But in all, I keep the books of Mikhail Bakhtin.

"Project (s) on the verge?
I do not like to advance my projects. It's bad luck.

Contact Email:

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cultural Names Of Fest

The Cultural Movement embrace directed by Roberto Bianchi (Uruguay) and Nina Reiss (Brazil) emerged nearly a decade. His work is basically aimed at establishing ties of friendship between the writers in the world to spread the culture and preserve the intellectual and social riches and heritage of each people. account since 2003 embraces a cultural site in which blogs are included in the participating countries and in promoting a number of emerging writers. On this page virtual hosting a blog that publishes contributions writers and opinion pieces, they can be sent to . To enter to embraces, click

About the author

Roberto Bianchi (Uruguay , 1940). Later exiled and living in Argentina since 1973 until the end of the dictatorship in Uruguay. He lives in Uruguay. Publication Award in the first century, shows poetic of the City of Ceres, Santa Fe, Argentina. First prize literary Quilmes Medical Circle, during the years '91 and '92. First prize Nubla publication publisher of Buenos Aires, with his book Place-up. 2 nd Prize Tale of Literary Contest "20 anniversary of AUDA," 2004, sponsored and juries of the House of Writers of Uruguay, for their work: A black hat wide brim, Honorable Mention Poetry Contest literary stories and poems sea, 1986-2006, with his poem Perhaps the sea, the Maritime League Uruguay mention in the Third International Poetry Competition the two sides, with his poem Grapes rolled as gems, Montevideo, 2007. Brief
has participated in shows of contemporary poetry of the Rio de la Plata, selections I and II, presented in the City of Manzanillo, Granma in 1994 and in Havana, Cuba in 1995, in Letters Uruguay show of poetry and short story , 1997, in Mirror of the Word, a bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 1998, in shooting Four moles, poetry and prose / collective / bilingual Portuguese / English, 2000, in Water in the 3rd. millennium temática/2000 anthology, Letters from Babel, multilingüe/2000 anthology in Drive to 4 poems and a string group of bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 2002; Your Letters epigraphs enhebran the work shed, a selection of erotic poetry and Amatoria, Embrace, 2002. Casa do Rio Grande poet, 38, Publisher Reach, 2002; The Cosmic path of a poem, a selection of Marietta Rodríguez Cuesta, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2003; Participates in America III Collection of Poetry Society of America Culture of Maranhão Brazil, 2002; Loops, Montevideo, 2002, compilation of poems by Artecyd Centre, art, culture and progress, and Poetic Anthology of Latin America, home of Horace, Portoviejo, Ecuador, 2004, in El Carnaval cordial distances ( 141 Poets of the World), Casa do Poeta Peruano, Chiclayo, Peru, 2003. On the lines of the hand, Bianchi-Reis-Zavala, Three Latin American poets, poetry, March 2004, Quito, Ecuador, Trilogy - helmet on guipur Lace, Nina Reis, Roberto Bianchi and José María Pinilla, poetry, editions Athens , Barcelona (2005), in CIRCLE OF NARRATIVE 2, seal embrace 2005; Poetry TRACKS / MARKS, Reis, Bianchi, Zavala, Portuguese, English bilingual poetry, Arts and Literature Center of Ecuador "Esmeralda Guzman Race." He was selected and published in Song of a Prisoner for Political Prisoners in Turkey, Editorial Anti-imperialist Poets of America, in The Word break open, anthology in solidarity with political prisoners in Chile, editing Apostrophes, Chile, 2005, in October, following in the footsteps of the poet, publishing Apostrophes, Chile, 2006, in Anthology of Poetry III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela , 2006; in Fiction Anthology III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela, 2006, in Poets on both sides (Contest mention wine) bottle into the sea, Uruguay, 2007, in De trades and pamperos, Circle of narrative 3, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 8, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 9, embrace 2007, in Havana in Black and White, 2007 and embrace That tongue of yours, embrace-Puentepalabras, 2007.
He serves as Director of embrace editor (in English). He is Director of Cultural Movement embraces where he serves as a cultural promoter, along with Nina Reis poet, having made the ninth day internationals, the ninth in Havana, Cuba. Ambassador of Uruguay in the World Poetry. Ambassador of Peace and Universal Ambassador Peace Circle - Geneva: World Capital of Peace.

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what date officially launch "hug" on the Web?
Two stages: the first in 2003 with a blog page and the second in 2006 with two pages, a cultural and other commercial

When does the idea of \u200b\u200b"hug" ...
cultural agent's work and has been twenty years or more, I'd say always.
... and what was the initial motivation?
Being a writer (poet I can not say, should do or whom I read) and militant

Who makes up the magazine?

The magazine do with Nina Reis (Portuguese) and I in English, but we also have a paper journal, which comes out quarterly and is called aBraceRevista INTERNATIONAL, also bilingual. It embraces representatives collaborate in many parts of the world and other writers on specific topics.

Are there any support or sponsorship?

Initially we had two advertisers in Brasilia which was one for the magazine on paper and sell local advertising in Montevideo. Similarly, in Brasilia also get some. The virtual magazine we make no other support.

What the most visited sections and commented on by visitors?
In reality, not a journal page, containing the journal. The site is primarily informative and has links. Each country has its own page that is theoretically in charge of Representatives
What is the section that receives the greatest amount of participation of the collaborators?
When did "the poem of the month" we received many contributions, but that is not done. Generally do not solicit contributions for the Web. In the journal paper and explained

Any text that has attracted the most interest, controversy or public response?
We have not made such reviews

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
think so, as that is the site of a cultural movement and that its implementation has allowed us to make 9 international meetings of writers over the years. The last was in Cuba, in February 2008

What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
is obviously very important, but the role is irreplaceable, at least until other media not to generalize existing virtual.

Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?

I think they are interdependent

Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
think so, but the point is that mostly they are not visited. Are preserved for initiates and actually generating more than 50 years not INTERNET access

Do you think virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
I think if, although the book still has traditional features. It has renewed the image by the benefits obtained from the offset and contacts in design.

How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
No, you can not, but I think that underneath there is another "globalization" the workers of culture in all its forms and that it has been favored by Internet, as it is, an invention of the empire, perhaps the famous' Achilles heel. "

How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years?
more bound, more penetrated, more stereotyped, less creative. I understand that should maximize the taste and ease of reading, but that is a distant dream, but we must not leave UTOPIA.

What are your virtual pages of magazines and popular literature?
In general, as many people working on this I have no time to dwell on either. Leo else or get sent to me to link to the page and read mainly literary materials sent to me for publication.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them?
Well yes, the Peruvian poet's house which I am a representative in Uruguay

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?

actually read constantly emerging poets and storytellers in my work, but I'm vallejiano, Onettian, gelmaniano

What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contacts with literature?
I think it follows from the above

Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?

Work, work, anxiety, discrepancies, lifelong fear the virus, joy for having contacts with the world, work, work, work

Any personal project on the verge?

A collection of poems this year after five in not publishing anything and did you ever my novel?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

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piurano writer Jack Farfán Kidron through your blog Eagle Zarathustra us-as stipulated by the cover of the blog- hybrid texts, written by a mutant animal thinking by a man irrational l. Thus Jack Farfán scriptural exercise reveals the poet in other properties related to their writing, reviews, articles and transfixed texts ora sharp eagle has grown vigorously and become traffic now man shackled by their vital pulse.
To enter the deployment of its wings reflective, we entered

Jack Farfán Kidron (Piura, 1973). To date he has published: Passenger Vironte unrealistic and, in 2005, in 2006, letters and selections from some of his nineteen books of poetry, the number of plaquettes at Castor, in 2007, Angel, The branches of the night and the slight crack of love. To this year preparing the publication of another volume of poems entitled The vacuum cleft, while typing a lyric-narrative work long breath: Daily. For now feeds of blogs: Passenger Unreal (poetry), The Eagle of Zarathustra (Texts hybrids and reviews) and Exquioc (cultural events), that, parallel to his literary activity will serve as artistic growth, while leading the magazine Kcreatinn, the same he is preparing for its third issue especially ambitious Julio Cortázar.

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Zarathustra BLOGGER

What date makes its appearance on the Web "The Eagle's Zarathustra?
September 2006. Almost two years to write these hybrid texts under the title of The Eagle of Zarathustra, could give a balance and say it was an enriching experience vital growth as a writer, so much so that helped me to "get fit" with the two indexes and perform longer projects. To date I have completed during this time of year: The vacuum cleft, prophetic verses, A successive seasons, and ultimately Journal. The recent record of nineteen volumes of poems in Indecopi realize that my exercise is not free. Being a blogger reaffirms a position in the literary world, the real work of writer should consciously-imposed Literature is sweating, first and foremost. The only way to evoke inspiration this lady is forcing.
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging literary courses, to split the paths, he urged. To a malaise that stemmed from my environment, the need arose to attack the routine, as an alternative to the verses, an try other literary delights, write reviews, articles, hybrid texts. I think a writer should be immersed in all literary genres in order to take a breather, say, a "strong" in my case, poetry, and often drown out the routine sometimes.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
One way to be critical, is to be self-critical. Self knows his own shortcomings, their own limitations. Always fumble with my faults, say that I serve as material for arrow point there in what I Scotsman others. Always attacked the tax on my hybrid texts, the mannered, the condescending, the stablishement. Many prefer the sweet taste, but hardly anyone likes of sullen in the literature and that is where I aim, as the very title suggests, I think the unit the blog is worth "the philosophy of the hammer" advocated by Nietzsche. And I do not think I get anything wrong, but little of Mr. liver, so, passing through that stage and I can not help it. I think more than a hit, The Eagle has generated Zarathustra rejection in most people, understandably repellency to the full view of a drowsiness entrenched in society. People do not like to be wild in the critical defects, as they say, "the truth hurts"
Could you mention some favorite post published?
Random quote: When Christmas rages, Slaves of the assumptions, Blind prayers suicide. The Eagle of Zarathustra is a book that I work with gusto, and was born on the Web, and whenever I try to refrain from hanging the texts, I feel sick. I believe that although not well received, much less critically, "at least generate an upset, necessary to enable him to live.
What are the blogs I usually visit?
There is a group of Peruvians who always visited by the case that the novelty, of which no one escapes, and to be aware of what happens in my environment (Moleskine Literary News Area, Light Limbo , Airlift, Black Sun,
etc.), after that I have no longer that to read and write two hours a day, my journal, which is now at 360 pages, and threatens to get to hold a 2009 with a thousand pages and pages I do not mean no substance (warn).
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
few months ago I read an interesting article in El Pais on the growing demand for ebooks and computerized devices, which although not entirely displace the printed book, at least make it good competition. Now who is not aware of what's happening in the literary world is on their own. The idea of \u200b\u200bpublishing a book simultaneously in electronic and paper has become a unique option irresistible. Quietly you can trade a book on the Web, while available in bookstores, and so the spread are amplified. The virtual magazines have taken good advantage of the virtual space, so much so that they have increased, since the cost is minimal, and large-scale dissemination. The print magazines hang their previous numbers, this shows that the review of books and magazines demand is gaining by leaps and bounds, but in fact never will supply the printed book.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
is a tool that universalized the amateur writer, the consecrated, the provincial. The forth and so have helped them continue their work or change its course, to the precise end, with comments from readers who often provide ideas, material. The hang a book on a blog just opens doors to publishers. I have heard of several successful books on sales that were born as blogs or blogs. Would not surprise me that there emerge good best-sellers.
Do you think that blogs have become in an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
alternative but not only exceed the known means. Through a blog you learn faster and easier presentation of a book or set a new author. The mainstream media often do not promote small-authors, so that blogs are taking advantage of it to newspapers known.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
Sure, I have often read in newspapers cite this blog, or vice versa, I think both play a role somewhat symbiotic, complementary. Today more than ever, the literature is the one that is taking advantage of the blogging revolution. Until about five years ago was very difficult for a young author to promote their debut today, the diffusion process is easier.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
The authors arrive faster to readers via blogs. In the future I think the most dedicated have not created a blog eventually create one. Mario Vargas Llosa I hope some day be given time at least once a month to post an article. I hope the return of Roncagliolo, for example.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
I decided to ignore them, I disabled the comment moderation, to see who they attack, ball cowards.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
De liróforo dilettante I have become disciplined writer. Not a day that at least do not write a couple of hours. I think we should all get used to a schedule for writing, but nothing happens.
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
Cortázar, Ribeyro, Vargas Llosa, Steiner, Nietzsche, Hesse, Thomas Mann, American poetry, English china, Goethe, Henry Miller, the beat generation, Bukowski ... The reading of books that make it indispensable. I have read for the fourth time Rayuela. I re-read Ulysses. Reading essays and articles have recently invaded my night table. Happen to wake up a reflective space, space that is me serving as a quarry to explore inside of me, one to put my thoughts in writing, that every day I own my multifaceted Journal passionate.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
Hopscotch, The Tropics, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the great poetry of Vallejo and More, Sartre. Rayuela fascinates me, I think a good example of how literature is not only committed to certain put the right word at the right time but also the desire Kibbutz rummaging through all this amalgam of cold reasoning or humanized through literature that is both a way of life and responsibility with the aesthetics of the building.
"Project (s) on the verge?
Journal, dissimilar literary hulk by now framed, take it out in poetic mouth eager and disciplined the daily task of writing a personal vision and philosophy of constantly chaotic and uncertain world, but not shrews magical memories of ghosts, to Over hundreds of sincere pages grow and grow as a benign cancer. We plan also to the guys in my organization Kcreatinn the third number, a magazine that will yield a well-deserved cronopio tribute to Argentina. Closure of issue: 30 May. Is fairly nourished and serious, worthy of a great experimenter as was Julio Cortázar.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Pityriasis Rosea How Does It Look

I wondered, how the author of Peru that has been published -without the slightest hint of doubt in virtual spaces of literature, did not have his own space on the network. This strong and symbiotic romance between Solomon Valderrama and pages literature on the Web and let us know your footprint and creative power - recreation in the area of \u200b\u200bpoetry, a few months ago sparked the inevitable appearance of your blog: Music cold future. In his log, Solomon shares some of his texts, and gives shelter to their aesthetic preferences in the spectrum of recent Peruvian poetry. Also, find intimate part of his other passion upholstering the walls of his room-blog: pictorial displays encouragement, music and warmth to your room virtual.Para enter, the world Solomonic enter
Salomón Valderrama Cruz (La Libertad, Chili, 1979). He studied at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Antínfeliz magazine editor and contributor to magazines Omnibus Konvergencias Literature, Ciberayllu, Letralia, Galerna, The Colloquy of Dogs, etc.. His poems have been published in Lectern, Aquilon, lintels, Wayra, Paralelo Sur, Harvesting, and others. Generation has been anthologized in 2000?: Sample Youth Poetry (Open Circle Editores, Lima, 2006), Poetry S. Peru XXI: 60 Contemporary Poets Peruanos (Lima CC School Yacana Editores, Lima, 2007) and New Latin American poetry (Lord Byron Ediciones, Madrid, 2008). Unpublished books have missed the art Faction (2001-2003) and Amórfor (2004-2006). He has recently published a portion of Amórfor (Parachute Publishing, Lima, 2007). He is currently preparing a book of poems entitled 'The submerged cathedral' and runs the music blog of the future cold ( ).
What date makes its appearance on the Web " future music cold?

in June 2007.
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?

In a way ... to promote the great culture of Peru. The definition and fire cooked drowning in the waters upstart, infidels or secretly concerned and disturbed: you give me Andean stone, gem, to expose and learn from you, in my museum, and I give you the power to govern your plot and underdeveloped country. They lost sight realities: when there is no purpose or value in what you see and have. We know that when children are taught to trust (having security) as they can give and create, only then will undertake the stratification of human solid and future architecture. In a world or the realm of videocracy, as suggested by Giovanni Sartori in his book "Homo videns" (1997), the archetype of investigating and finding the nearest truth in the alteration or mutation of the image-saturated man, a prisoner of the image and the image man, what can you expect from what is seen in the 'stupid cube' in relation to what exists in the putrid world of Peru (on to recall the image of politicians). How we expect our children to be large and lucid thinkers and creators if we show images of men and kingdoms in other worlds, the faces and customs are not recognized, but rather as aberrations of a mythical world and machining control (bleached). Is that if something serves EE. UU. is to see that there have already been broken barriers invisible, says Wystan Hugh Auden: The beauty that happens you still love, but it does not turn to look, they are beautiful films where the heroes, scientists and artists, in turn, are black, Indian and even white, and The course of playing the most abundant in the Earth: the beautiful mestizos.

What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?

Yes, it was one that was titled "Is a flight by Roger Santiváñez Inca."

Could you mention some favorite post published?

"Small Soldiers, video games, destroy the world "is one that I love and also," his senses Dying "is a poem dedicated to the ghosts (the poets).

What are the blogs I usually visit?

Of course, Black Sun (Paul Guillén), also Light Limbo (Victor Coral), Amor Bizarro (Max Palacios), and I enjoy a lot, Puerto El Hueco "Reloaded" (from Dintilako) .

What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?

That is conceived a new reality or space for the dissemination of ideas and ways to promote and continue the great transformation that we are sailing, the inevitable, impossible beings and seemingly perennial dynamics. It is similar to the appearance of printing, a new printing. To speak of the speed with which they are designed and coalesce these new and sometimes dangerous ways.

What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?

A major advantage is the approach that this system has with the children. As with simple operations and links can be managed and polemics on any subject, surely someone else interest.

Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media? Yes

Because his wealth and great success is justified by integrating all of them. A feature of the blog is its movement: with text, photos, videos, and more, jumping, complaints and kisses.

Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?

is a fact, before the competition. And a powerful symbol of this is that in media like newspapers (El Comercio and Perú21, for example) have taken under its wing and promotion to the posts, with great success.

What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?

do not know. I guess the jump to television in the footsteps of the uterus Marita, it very well.

What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs? I think

fulfill an important mission: to not allow boredom. And just as envisioned César Moro: promote human wealth, gossip.

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web?

I think with work, reading, drinking and sex drive a blog is like dancing, with all that I like.

You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?

No. But I'm having a great time.

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?

I'm interested in works by Juan Ojeda, Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, César Vallejo, Martin Adam, César Moro and José María Arguedas. Coral Peru is a country that has everything in their names (Quechua, Aymara, Shipibo, English ...) and men who struggle to build the Peruvian culture in seed and evoking espergesia as César Vallejo (Everybody knows ... They do not know / that the light is consumptive, / and the fat shadow ... / And know the mystery synthesizes ... / that he is the hump / sad music and remote reporting / Meridian over the edge to the edge. In The Black Heralds) and how it should feel every Peruvian keeper and owner of a civilization inevitable in the way of being and understanding Humanity. Synthesized in the words of José María Arguedas: No, no country is more diverse, more diverse in variety earthly and human, all degrees of warmth and color, love and hate, warps and subtle, of symbols and inspired. Not taste, people would say common call is formed here and Pachacamac Pachacuti, Guaman Poma and the Inca Garcilaso Cieza, Tupac Amaru and Vallejo, Mariátegui and Eguren, Riti Qoylur Party and the Lord of Miracles, the Yungas of the coast and mountain, agriculture to four thousand meters, ducks who speak in high-altitude lakes where all of Europe drown insects, hummingbirds coming to the sun to drink you his fire and flame on the world's flowers. Imitating someone from here is something scandalous.

What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?

Of the native black Heralds Trilce Cesar Vallejo, Realms of the physician and Jorge Eduardo Eielson early extramares Crossing (Sonnets to Chopin) Adam Martin.

"Project (s) on the verge?

Protest in front of Frecuencia Latina (Channel 2, Lima) against Cecilia Valenzuela for selling your program Rear Window to the government of Alan García and thus sow fear and misery that twists accusing anyone of being a terrorist (as is the case poet and cultural promoter Melissa Patiño Hinostroza, imprisoned without trial), post the video of Damaris Mallma Tusuy interpreting its rich song Kusun, publish and keep loving full Amórfor all Indian, all cholo.

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