Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spices Canada's Food Guide


February 19, 2011

BY: Carlos Vicente de Roux



who is elected as the first authority of the city has become a tireless advocate for administrative transparency, through the efforts of many call, the construction of institutional corruption and the shielding of large bids.

First to fight corruption is to teach by example. Ideally, the mayor is not a businessman. If so, it passes through the government should be a break in all its business, and especially in regard to transactions or contracts with the state. It is also required that neither their relatives or close friends have no contact with the district entities, or as contractors or as intermediaries.

the secretaries of state and heads of district institutions, must meet the same terms as mayor. No one can reach the office on whose honesty is in doubt.

The head of the administration must also show an interest and a permanent commitment on the scourge of corruption and the fight against it. The first expression of this commitment is the adoption of a clear and direct speech against the scourge.

mayor's authority should be used to convene, in positive terms, the District staff and contractors, building an atmosphere of probity and transparency. A high percentage of them is sensitive to these llamadosporque prefer to compete in a healthy business environment.

In any case, should not dispense more speedy action, including dismissal of officials whose honesty free appointment occurring on well-founded doubts, or criminal complaint with the Attorney for the mayor, in cases of particular gravity .

In the construction of institutional corruption, there are at least five things to do. First, just as there is a Security Council must have an anti-corruption. The agency should be equipped with mechanisms to receive and give effect to the complaints of citizens, including micro corruption.

Second the mayor must do everything it depends for which the council appointed a junior and a district controller of ethics and professional excellence. Under no circumstances may be friends or people close to him. Ideally, they should belong to parties other than the mayor .

Third, the District Veeduría should become a flexible tool for research and information to the mayor on administrative corruption and advice on measures against it.

Fourth, the internal control office of the district authorities should be strengthened and his staff organized and motivated by the highest authorities to exercise function well.

Fifth, the relationship between the Mayor and the political forces represented in the District Council should be constructed on the basis of dignity and transparency. It is necessary that the Mayor keep an ongoing dialogue with the benches on policy proposals and actions of government, to support the normative and political control of the council and help to visualize their role in public policy making and meeting the needs of communities. The mayor should do this in the most important meetings of the Corporation, when invited by her.

Without derogating from that, the mayor should not refrain from issuing a decree projects under its initiative to be momentous for the city, when groups of councilors want to make the council at a checkpoint to make demands objectionable. shall be ineligible negotiations and contract positions. and eliminate the practice of requiring staff and personal service contractors have political support from council members.

recruitment Cleanliness should be a matter of special care for the mayor. In this regard work toward minimizing direct contracting or hiring a finger, and replaced by processes of competition among bidders, as the bidding. And it will be give publicity and transparency at all stages of these processes and all the components of contractual records, fulfilling the legal requirement to display them in a single portal.

mega It is essential that tenders are shielded with rigor. formal procedures prescribed by law are met, but in the form of technical requirements are introduced in the tender conditions that favor certain bidders . Therefore it is necessary to submit the pre-bid and contract documents to open test of reasonableness and make people's committees of great technical and moral authority accompany the process. It should use technologies that allow transparent bidding in real time of the proponents.
must also monitor additions to the contract, which are made later, without any no competition.

The mayor must take action debugging Interventorías scheme to avoid cronyism and conflicts of interest . And close the door to brokers who advise the district entities while promoting building societies and unions to engage with the District


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