Salomón Valderrama Cruz (La Libertad, Chili, 1979). He studied at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Antínfeliz magazine editor and contributor to magazines Omnibus Konvergencias Literature, Ciberayllu, Letralia, Galerna, The Colloquy of Dogs, etc.. His poems have been published in Lectern, Aquilon, lintels, Wayra, Paralelo Sur, Harvesting, and others. Generation has been anthologized in 2000?: Sample Youth Poetry (Open Circle Editores, Lima, 2006), Poetry S. Peru XXI: 60 Contemporary Poets Peruanos (Lima CC School Yacana Editores, Lima, 2007) and New Latin American poetry (Lord Byron Ediciones, Madrid, 2008). Unpublished books have missed the art Faction (2001-2003) and Amórfor (2004-2006). He has recently published a portion of Amórfor (Parachute Publishing, Lima, 2007). He is currently preparing a book of poems entitled 'The submerged cathedral' and runs the music blog of the future cold ( http://musicadelfuturofrio.blogspot.com/ ).
What date makes its appearance on the Web " future music cold?
in June 2007.
in June 2007.
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
In a way ... to promote the great culture of Peru. The definition and fire cooked drowning in the waters upstart, infidels or secretly concerned and disturbed: you give me Andean stone, gem, to expose and learn from you, in my museum, and I give you the power to govern your plot and underdeveloped country. They lost sight realities: when there is no purpose or value in what you see and have. We know that when children are taught to trust (having security) as they can give and create, only then will undertake the stratification of human solid and future architecture. In a world or the realm of videocracy, as suggested by Giovanni Sartori in his book "Homo videns" (1997), the archetype of investigating and finding the nearest truth in the alteration or mutation of the image-saturated man, a prisoner of the image and the image man, what can you expect from what is seen in the 'stupid cube' in relation to what exists in the putrid world of Peru (on to recall the image of politicians). How we expect our children to be large and lucid thinkers and creators if we show images of men and kingdoms in other worlds, the faces and customs are not recognized, but rather as aberrations of a mythical world and machining control (bleached). Is that if something serves EE. UU. is to see that there have already been broken barriers invisible, says Wystan Hugh Auden: The beauty that happens you still love, but it does not turn to look, they are beautiful films where the heroes, scientists and artists, in turn, are black, Indian and even white, and The course of playing the most abundant in the Earth: the beautiful mestizos.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
Yes, it was one that was titled "Is a flight by Roger Santiváñez Inca."
Could you mention some favorite post published?
"Small Soldiers, video games, destroy the world "is one that I love and also," his senses Dying "is a poem dedicated to the ghosts (the poets).
What are the blogs I usually visit?
Of course, Black Sun (Paul Guillén), also Light Limbo (Victor Coral), Amor Bizarro (Max Palacios), and I enjoy a lot, Puerto El Hueco "Reloaded" (from Dintilako) .
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
That is conceived a new reality or space for the dissemination of ideas and ways to promote and continue the great transformation that we are sailing, the inevitable, impossible beings and seemingly perennial dynamics. It is similar to the appearance of printing, a new printing. To speak of the speed with which they are designed and coalesce these new and sometimes dangerous ways.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
A major advantage is the approach that this system has with the children. As with simple operations and links can be managed and polemics on any subject, surely someone else interest.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media? Yes
Because his wealth and great success is justified by integrating all of them. A feature of the blog is its movement: with text, photos, videos, and more, jumping, complaints and kisses.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
is a fact, before the competition. And a powerful symbol of this is that in media like newspapers (El Comercio and Perú21, for example) have taken under its wing and promotion to the posts, with great success.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
do not know. I guess the jump to television in the footsteps of the uterus Marita, it very well.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs? I think
fulfill an important mission: to not allow boredom. And just as envisioned César Moro: promote human wealth, gossip.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web?
I think with work, reading, drinking and sex drive a blog is like dancing, with all that I like.
You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
No. But I'm having a great time.
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
I'm interested in works by Juan Ojeda, Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, César Vallejo, Martin Adam, César Moro and José María Arguedas. Coral Peru is a country that has everything in their names (Quechua, Aymara, Shipibo, English ...) and men who struggle to build the Peruvian culture in seed and evoking espergesia as César Vallejo (Everybody knows ... They do not know / that the light is consumptive, / and the fat shadow ... / And know the mystery synthesizes ... / that he is the hump / sad music and remote reporting / Meridian over the edge to the edge. In The Black Heralds) and how it should feel every Peruvian keeper and owner of a civilization inevitable in the way of being and understanding Humanity. Synthesized in the words of José María Arguedas: No, no country is more diverse, more diverse in variety earthly and human, all degrees of warmth and color, love and hate, warps and subtle, of symbols and inspired. Not taste, people would say common call is formed here and Pachacamac Pachacuti, Guaman Poma and the Inca Garcilaso Cieza, Tupac Amaru and Vallejo, Mariátegui and Eguren, Riti Qoylur Party and the Lord of Miracles, the Yungas of the coast and mountain, agriculture to four thousand meters, ducks who speak in high-altitude lakes where all of Europe drown insects, hummingbirds coming to the sun to drink you his fire and flame on the world's flowers. Imitating someone from here is something scandalous.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
Of the native black Heralds Trilce Cesar Vallejo, Realms of the physician and Jorge Eduardo Eielson early extramares Crossing (Sonnets to Chopin) Adam Martin.
"Project (s) on the verge?
Protest in front of Frecuencia Latina (Channel 2, Lima) against Cecilia Valenzuela for selling your program Rear Window to the government of Alan García and thus sow fear and misery that twists accusing anyone of being a terrorist (as is the case poet and cultural promoter Melissa Patiño Hinostroza, imprisoned without trial), post the video of Damaris Mallma Tusuy interpreting its rich song Kusun, publish and keep loving full Amórfor all Indian, all cholo.
Contact Email:
In a way ... to promote the great culture of Peru. The definition and fire cooked drowning in the waters upstart, infidels or secretly concerned and disturbed: you give me Andean stone, gem, to expose and learn from you, in my museum, and I give you the power to govern your plot and underdeveloped country. They lost sight realities: when there is no purpose or value in what you see and have. We know that when children are taught to trust (having security) as they can give and create, only then will undertake the stratification of human solid and future architecture. In a world or the realm of videocracy, as suggested by Giovanni Sartori in his book "Homo videns" (1997), the archetype of investigating and finding the nearest truth in the alteration or mutation of the image-saturated man, a prisoner of the image and the image man, what can you expect from what is seen in the 'stupid cube' in relation to what exists in the putrid world of Peru (on to recall the image of politicians). How we expect our children to be large and lucid thinkers and creators if we show images of men and kingdoms in other worlds, the faces and customs are not recognized, but rather as aberrations of a mythical world and machining control (bleached). Is that if something serves EE. UU. is to see that there have already been broken barriers invisible, says Wystan Hugh Auden: The beauty that happens you still love, but it does not turn to look, they are beautiful films where the heroes, scientists and artists, in turn, are black, Indian and even white, and The course of playing the most abundant in the Earth: the beautiful mestizos.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
Yes, it was one that was titled "Is a flight by Roger Santiváñez Inca."
Could you mention some favorite post published?
"Small Soldiers, video games, destroy the world "is one that I love and also," his senses Dying "is a poem dedicated to the ghosts (the poets).
What are the blogs I usually visit?
Of course, Black Sun (Paul Guillén), also Light Limbo (Victor Coral), Amor Bizarro (Max Palacios), and I enjoy a lot, Puerto El Hueco "Reloaded" (from Dintilako) .
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
That is conceived a new reality or space for the dissemination of ideas and ways to promote and continue the great transformation that we are sailing, the inevitable, impossible beings and seemingly perennial dynamics. It is similar to the appearance of printing, a new printing. To speak of the speed with which they are designed and coalesce these new and sometimes dangerous ways.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
A major advantage is the approach that this system has with the children. As with simple operations and links can be managed and polemics on any subject, surely someone else interest.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media? Yes
Because his wealth and great success is justified by integrating all of them. A feature of the blog is its movement: with text, photos, videos, and more, jumping, complaints and kisses.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
is a fact, before the competition. And a powerful symbol of this is that in media like newspapers (El Comercio and Perú21, for example) have taken under its wing and promotion to the posts, with great success.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
do not know. I guess the jump to television in the footsteps of the uterus Marita, it very well.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs? I think
fulfill an important mission: to not allow boredom. And just as envisioned César Moro: promote human wealth, gossip.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web?
I think with work, reading, drinking and sex drive a blog is like dancing, with all that I like.
You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
No. But I'm having a great time.
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
I'm interested in works by Juan Ojeda, Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, César Vallejo, Martin Adam, César Moro and José María Arguedas. Coral Peru is a country that has everything in their names (Quechua, Aymara, Shipibo, English ...) and men who struggle to build the Peruvian culture in seed and evoking espergesia as César Vallejo (Everybody knows ... They do not know / that the light is consumptive, / and the fat shadow ... / And know the mystery synthesizes ... / that he is the hump / sad music and remote reporting / Meridian over the edge to the edge. In The Black Heralds) and how it should feel every Peruvian keeper and owner of a civilization inevitable in the way of being and understanding Humanity. Synthesized in the words of José María Arguedas: No, no country is more diverse, more diverse in variety earthly and human, all degrees of warmth and color, love and hate, warps and subtle, of symbols and inspired. Not taste, people would say common call is formed here and Pachacamac Pachacuti, Guaman Poma and the Inca Garcilaso Cieza, Tupac Amaru and Vallejo, Mariátegui and Eguren, Riti Qoylur Party and the Lord of Miracles, the Yungas of the coast and mountain, agriculture to four thousand meters, ducks who speak in high-altitude lakes where all of Europe drown insects, hummingbirds coming to the sun to drink you his fire and flame on the world's flowers. Imitating someone from here is something scandalous.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
Of the native black Heralds Trilce Cesar Vallejo, Realms of the physician and Jorge Eduardo Eielson early extramares Crossing (Sonnets to Chopin) Adam Martin.
"Project (s) on the verge?
Protest in front of Frecuencia Latina (Channel 2, Lima) against Cecilia Valenzuela for selling your program Rear Window to the government of Alan García and thus sow fear and misery that twists accusing anyone of being a terrorist (as is the case poet and cultural promoter Melissa Patiño Hinostroza, imprisoned without trial), post the video of Damaris Mallma Tusuy interpreting its rich song Kusun, publish and keep loving full Amórfor all Indian, all cholo.
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