About the author
Roberto Bianchi (Uruguay , 1940). Later exiled and living in Argentina since 1973 until the end of the dictatorship in Uruguay. He lives in Uruguay. Publication Award in the first century, shows poetic of the City of Ceres, Santa Fe, Argentina. First prize literary Quilmes Medical Circle, during the years '91 and '92. First prize Nubla publication publisher of Buenos Aires, with his book Place-up. 2 nd Prize Tale of Literary Contest "20 anniversary of AUDA," 2004, sponsored and juries of the House of Writers of Uruguay, for their work: A black hat wide brim, Honorable Mention Poetry Contest literary stories and poems sea, 1986-2006, with his poem Perhaps the sea, the Maritime League Uruguay mention in the Third International Poetry Competition the two sides, with his poem Grapes rolled as gems, Montevideo, 2007. Brief
has participated in shows of contemporary poetry of the Rio de la Plata, selections I and II, presented in the City of Manzanillo, Granma in 1994 and in Havana, Cuba in 1995, in Letters Uruguay show of poetry and short story , 1997, in Mirror of the Word, a bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 1998, in shooting Four moles, poetry and prose / collective / bilingual Portuguese / English, 2000, in Water in the 3rd. millennium temática/2000 anthology, Letters from Babel, multilingüe/2000 anthology in Drive to 4 poems and a string group of bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 2002; Your Letters epigraphs enhebran the work shed, a selection of erotic poetry and Amatoria, Embrace, 2002. Casa do Rio Grande poet, 38, Publisher Reach, 2002; The Cosmic path of a poem, a selection of Marietta Rodríguez Cuesta, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2003; Participates in America III Collection of Poetry Society of America Culture of Maranhão Brazil, 2002; Loops, Montevideo, 2002, compilation of poems by Artecyd Centre, art, culture and progress, and Poetic Anthology of Latin America, home of Horace, Portoviejo, Ecuador, 2004, in El Carnaval cordial distances ( 141 Poets of the World), Casa do Poeta Peruano, Chiclayo, Peru, 2003. On the lines of the hand, Bianchi-Reis-Zavala, Three Latin American poets, poetry, March 2004, Quito, Ecuador, Trilogy - helmet on guipur Lace, Nina Reis, Roberto Bianchi and José María Pinilla, poetry, editions Athens , Barcelona (2005), in CIRCLE OF NARRATIVE 2, seal embrace 2005; Poetry TRACKS / MARKS, Reis, Bianchi, Zavala, Portuguese, English bilingual poetry, Arts and Literature Center of Ecuador "Esmeralda Guzman Race." He was selected and published in Song of a Prisoner for Political Prisoners in Turkey, Editorial Anti-imperialist Poets of America, in The Word break open, anthology in solidarity with political prisoners in Chile, editing Apostrophes, Chile, 2005, in October, following in the footsteps of the poet, publishing Apostrophes, Chile, 2006, in Anthology of Poetry III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela , 2006; in Fiction Anthology III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela, 2006, in Poets on both sides (Contest mention wine) bottle into the sea, Uruguay, 2007, in De trades and pamperos, Circle of narrative 3, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 8, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 9, embrace 2007, in Havana in Black and White, 2007 and embrace That tongue of yours, embrace-Puentepalabras, 2007.
He serves as Director of embrace editor (in English). He is Director of Cultural Movement embraces where he serves as a cultural promoter, along with Nina Reis poet, having made the ninth day internationals, the ninth in Havana, Cuba. Ambassador of Uruguay in the World Poetry. Ambassador of Peace and Universal Ambassador Peace Circle - Geneva: World Capital of Peace.
has participated in shows of contemporary poetry of the Rio de la Plata, selections I and II, presented in the City of Manzanillo, Granma in 1994 and in Havana, Cuba in 1995, in Letters Uruguay show of poetry and short story , 1997, in Mirror of the Word, a bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 1998, in shooting Four moles, poetry and prose / collective / bilingual Portuguese / English, 2000, in Water in the 3rd. millennium temática/2000 anthology, Letters from Babel, multilingüe/2000 anthology in Drive to 4 poems and a string group of bilingual English-Portuguese poetry, 2002; Your Letters epigraphs enhebran the work shed, a selection of erotic poetry and Amatoria, Embrace, 2002. Casa do Rio Grande poet, 38, Publisher Reach, 2002; The Cosmic path of a poem, a selection of Marietta Rodríguez Cuesta, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2003; Participates in America III Collection of Poetry Society of America Culture of Maranhão Brazil, 2002; Loops, Montevideo, 2002, compilation of poems by Artecyd Centre, art, culture and progress, and Poetic Anthology of Latin America, home of Horace, Portoviejo, Ecuador, 2004, in El Carnaval cordial distances ( 141 Poets of the World), Casa do Poeta Peruano, Chiclayo, Peru, 2003. On the lines of the hand, Bianchi-Reis-Zavala, Three Latin American poets, poetry, March 2004, Quito, Ecuador, Trilogy - helmet on guipur Lace, Nina Reis, Roberto Bianchi and José María Pinilla, poetry, editions Athens , Barcelona (2005), in CIRCLE OF NARRATIVE 2, seal embrace 2005; Poetry TRACKS / MARKS, Reis, Bianchi, Zavala, Portuguese, English bilingual poetry, Arts and Literature Center of Ecuador "Esmeralda Guzman Race." He was selected and published in Song of a Prisoner for Political Prisoners in Turkey, Editorial Anti-imperialist Poets of America, in The Word break open, anthology in solidarity with political prisoners in Chile, editing Apostrophes, Chile, 2005, in October, following in the footsteps of the poet, publishing Apostrophes, Chile, 2006, in Anthology of Poetry III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela , 2006; in Fiction Anthology III, between Eros and Thanatos, Writers Guild of Mérida, Venezuela, 2006, in Poets on both sides (Contest mention wine) bottle into the sea, Uruguay, 2007, in De trades and pamperos, Circle of narrative 3, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 8, embraces 2006; Poetry Circle 9, embrace 2007, in Havana in Black and White, 2007 and embrace That tongue of yours, embrace-Puentepalabras, 2007.
He serves as Director of embrace editor (in English). He is Director of Cultural Movement embraces where he serves as a cultural promoter, along with Nina Reis poet, having made the ninth day internationals, the ninth in Havana, Cuba. Ambassador of Uruguay in the World Poetry. Ambassador of Peace and Universal Ambassador Peace Circle - Geneva: World Capital of Peace.
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