what date officially launch "hug" on the Web?
Two stages: the first in 2003 with a blog page and the second in 2006 with two pages, a cultural www.abracecultura.com and other commercial www.editabrace.com
When does the idea of \u200b\u200b"hug" ...
cultural agent's work and has been twenty years or more, I'd say always.
... and what was the initial motivation?
Being a writer (poet I can not say, should do or whom I read) and militant
Who makes up the magazine?
The magazine do with Nina Reis (Portuguese) and I in English, but we also have a paper journal, which comes out quarterly and is called aBraceRevista INTERNATIONAL, also bilingual. It embraces representatives collaborate in many parts of the world and other writers on specific topics.
Are there any support or sponsorship?
Initially we had two advertisers in Brasilia which was one for the magazine on paper and sell local advertising in Montevideo. Similarly, in Brasilia also get some. The virtual magazine we make no other support.
What the most visited sections and commented on by visitors?
In reality, not a journal page, containing the journal. The site is primarily informative and has links. Each country has its own page that is theoretically in charge of Representatives
What is the section that receives the greatest amount of participation of the collaborators?
When did "the poem of the month" we received many contributions, but that is not done. Generally do not solicit contributions for the Web. In the journal paper and explained
Any text that has attracted the most interest, controversy or public response?
We have not made such reviews
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
think so, as that is the site of a cultural movement and that its implementation has allowed us to make 9 international meetings of writers over the years. The last was in Cuba, in February 2008
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
is obviously very important, but the role is irreplaceable, at least until other media not to generalize existing virtual.
Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?
I think they are interdependent
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
think so, but the point is that mostly they are not visited. Are preserved for initiates and actually generating more than 50 years not INTERNET access
Do you think virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
I think if, although the book still has traditional features. It has renewed the image by the benefits obtained from the offset and contacts in design.
How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
No, you can not, but I think that underneath there is another "globalization" the workers of culture in all its forms and that it has been favored by Internet, as it is, an invention of the empire, perhaps the famous' Achilles heel. "
How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years?
more bound, more penetrated, more stereotyped, less creative. I understand that should maximize the taste and ease of reading, but that is a distant dream, but we must not leave UTOPIA.
Two stages: the first in 2003 with a blog page and the second in 2006 with two pages, a cultural www.abracecultura.com and other commercial www.editabrace.com
When does the idea of \u200b\u200b"hug" ...
cultural agent's work and has been twenty years or more, I'd say always.
... and what was the initial motivation?
Being a writer (poet I can not say, should do or whom I read) and militant
Who makes up the magazine?
The magazine do with Nina Reis (Portuguese) and I in English, but we also have a paper journal, which comes out quarterly and is called aBraceRevista INTERNATIONAL, also bilingual. It embraces representatives collaborate in many parts of the world and other writers on specific topics.
Are there any support or sponsorship?
Initially we had two advertisers in Brasilia which was one for the magazine on paper and sell local advertising in Montevideo. Similarly, in Brasilia also get some. The virtual magazine we make no other support.
What the most visited sections and commented on by visitors?
In reality, not a journal page, containing the journal. The site is primarily informative and has links. Each country has its own page that is theoretically in charge of Representatives
What is the section that receives the greatest amount of participation of the collaborators?
When did "the poem of the month" we received many contributions, but that is not done. Generally do not solicit contributions for the Web. In the journal paper and explained
Any text that has attracted the most interest, controversy or public response?
We have not made such reviews
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
think so, as that is the site of a cultural movement and that its implementation has allowed us to make 9 international meetings of writers over the years. The last was in Cuba, in February 2008
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
is obviously very important, but the role is irreplaceable, at least until other media not to generalize existing virtual.
Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?
I think they are interdependent
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
think so, but the point is that mostly they are not visited. Are preserved for initiates and actually generating more than 50 years not INTERNET access
Do you think virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
I think if, although the book still has traditional features. It has renewed the image by the benefits obtained from the offset and contacts in design.
How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
No, you can not, but I think that underneath there is another "globalization" the workers of culture in all its forms and that it has been favored by Internet, as it is, an invention of the empire, perhaps the famous' Achilles heel. "
How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years?
more bound, more penetrated, more stereotyped, less creative. I understand that should maximize the taste and ease of reading, but that is a distant dream, but we must not leave UTOPIA.
What are your virtual pages of magazines and popular literature?
In general, as many people working on this I have no time to dwell on either. Leo else or get sent to me to link to the page and read mainly literary materials sent to me for publication.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them?
Well yes, the Peruvian poet's house which I am a representative in Uruguay
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
actually read constantly emerging poets and storytellers in my work, but I'm vallejiano, Onettian, gelmaniano
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contacts with literature?
I think it follows from the above
Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
Work, work, anxiety, discrepancies, lifelong fear the virus, joy for having contacts with the world, work, work, work
Any personal project on the verge?
A collection of poems this year after five in not publishing anything and did you ever my novel?
Well yes, the Peruvian poet's house which I am a representative in Uruguay
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
actually read constantly emerging poets and storytellers in my work, but I'm vallejiano, Onettian, gelmaniano
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contacts with literature?
I think it follows from the above
Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
Work, work, anxiety, discrepancies, lifelong fear the virus, joy for having contacts with the world, work, work, work
Any personal project on the verge?
A collection of poems this year after five in not publishing anything and did you ever my novel?
Contact Email: bianched@adinet.com.uy
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