" Flight Hecate" is the evocative name of the blog by the English writer Mary Sangüesa . It is not a random walk the rooms and find historical references, poetic and mythological relieves bind the spirit of the author.
In " Hecate Flight " find texts of the Greek poet Constantine Cavafy and the Mexican Octavio Paz, the Dulce Maria Loynaz Cuban and English Ibn Hazem, Pedro Salinas, Gabriel Celaya, and Jaime Gil Xavier Villaurrutia. We can also read poems by Goya Gutiérrez, Angel Romo, Chema Barredo, Antonio Ruiz, Miguel Pastrana, Jesús Malia and Inma Platypus-English, "Mara Romero (Mexico), Nora Alarcón, Leo Zelada (Peru) and Alberto Lauro (Cuba) .
" Hecate Flight " however, allows us to appreciate not only to other voices, but also appreciate the literary work of the English writer.
order to go and glimpse the landscapes of his ars poetica, Mary Sangüesa reveals: "I flee mazes philosophy and sociology, also respect and admire many of my colleagues, but mine are the acts of introspection, looking fly free, transparent and intangible butterflies and sea birds to perch on other souls, in other psyche, they are offered a moment of complicity or empathy. Then is when they reach the fullness of their destiny. "
order to go and glimpse the landscapes of his ars poetica, Mary Sangüesa reveals: "I flee mazes philosophy and sociology, also respect and admire many of my colleagues, but mine are the acts of introspection, looking fly free, transparent and intangible butterflies and sea birds to perch on other souls, in other psyche, they are offered a moment of complicity or empathy. Then is when they reach the fullness of their destiny. "
What date makes its appearance on the Web "The Flight of Hecate?
The January 24, 2008
The January 24, 2008
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
For my interest in literature and art.
For my interest in literature and art.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the greatest response the public?
Several, including Recital Dolmen Tribute to Dali.
Several, including Recital Dolmen Tribute to Dali.
Could mention a favorite post published? Le
I have a special fondness for the generated around the publication of my first solo book of short stories, such as that referred, EFE, a story that touched the issue of immigration: "Photo family "
I have a special fondness for the generated around the publication of my first solo book of short stories, such as that referred, EFE, a story that touched the issue of immigration: "Photo family "
What are the blogs I usually visit?
Open Poetry, ONCE UPON A TIME IN INTERNET (which are actually quite a few blogs), Poeke, Inventory of silence, love freedom, Vagamundos ... and several others.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them?
I am Peruvian heart since I was there for the first time, I was about a month, about five years ago. I love http://sol-negro.blogspot.com/ , I follow regularly.
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
I think it's a breakthrough for the dissemination of culture, is a tool that can help to eradicate ignorance, to be less malleable by the system, because we can quickly compare all types of information.
I think it's a breakthrough for the dissemination of culture, is a tool that can help to eradicate ignorance, to be less malleable by the system, because we can quickly compare all types of information.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
Until today almost all advantages, the diffusion rate is incredible, perhaps the most important glue lies in that we can not extend much of what we have or show, you have to synthesize enough, people are bored the writings long ...
Until today almost all advantages, the diffusion rate is incredible, perhaps the most important glue lies in that we can not extend much of what we have or show, you have to synthesize enough, people are bored the writings long ...
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative way to propagate itself and traditional media?
I'd say that alternative (which they are to some extent), should be considered complementary.
I'd say that alternative (which they are to some extent), should be considered complementary.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
I have no doubt, is obvious.
I have no doubt, is obvious.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
A golden long perspective, there is more to check the boom they've had for the last year and the rate of growth that lead.
What you think about weblogs called "junk blogs?
What's tastes for all, how good an offer as wide on the net is that you learn to be selective.
What's tastes for all, how good an offer as wide on the net is that you learn to be selective.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
I am very happy with the result, but everything can be improved and we learn something new every day happens.
I am very happy with the result, but everything can be improved and we learn something new every day happens.
What writers are accompanying Reading your itinerary?
Among the highlight of the Cuban poet Dulce Maria Loynaz, that fascinates me and I have dedicated several pages. Also Ibn Hazem, with its "Collar de la Paloma", filled many pages of my blog.
Among the highlight of the Cuban poet Dulce Maria Loynaz, that fascinates me and I have dedicated several pages. Also Ibn Hazem, with its "Collar de la Paloma", filled many pages of my blog.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
undoubtedly: "Arabian Nights." It was my first reader, I was five and walked me the rest of my life. I also have marked quite Hundred Years of Solitude and Pedro Páramo ... García Márquez and Juan Rulfo are absolutely brilliant. Just as Ulysses J. Joyce.
undoubtedly: "Arabian Nights." It was my first reader, I was five and walked me the rest of my life. I also have marked quite Hundred Years of Solitude and Pedro Páramo ... García Márquez and Juan Rulfo are absolutely brilliant. Just as Ulysses J. Joyce.
"Project (s) on the verge?
I am very interested in spreading the Dulce Maria Loynaz Bestiary. And deeper into the poetry of al-Andalus. It is also very important for me to go spreading the work of writers but not yet enshrined are great poets and novelists, one of my main goals is to share my space with them.
I am very interested in spreading the Dulce Maria Loynaz Bestiary. And deeper into the poetry of al-Andalus. It is also very important for me to go spreading the work of writers but not yet enshrined are great poets and novelists, one of my main goals is to share my space with them.
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About the author:
Sangüesa Mary was born in Al Hoceima, Morocco 1955.
Advertising and Art and Decoration in the Official Schools of Madrid and Valencia, respectively.
Degree in History of Spain, UNED. LIS
by IMED, Madrid Institute for Documentary Studies. Courses
case for Literature in the College of Doctors and Lawyers Madrid and the English University Foundation.
Madrid has been a correspondent in the magazine Art in Valencia. Collaborations with Dreams and Markets magazine. Collaboration with the literary magazine ALGA. Publications
historical research and artistic for UNED: Santuario de Cortes, rural Gothic: S. Sebastian Munera.
Participation in the Anthology: Beyond the Boom, New Narrative Hispanic, Ed Lord Byron. Poems published in the Catalogue of the dolmen Dalí Tribute (Ed. Mint). Participation in four anthologies of New English-American poetry, Ed Lord Byron. Anthology of micro-stories, Poetics and Treinta. The book's narrative: From Beyond, ghost stories. Ed Lord Byron. The forthcoming book: The Skin Of Wind.
poetry recitals in the auditorium of La Casa de la Moneda, in the convention hotel, at the Ateneo de Madrid, etc. Lyrics for the composer Javier Street. Various readings
Poems: The Skin Of Wind, Madrid, Alicante and Valencia.
Sangüesa Mary was born in Al Hoceima, Morocco 1955.
Advertising and Art and Decoration in the Official Schools of Madrid and Valencia, respectively.
Degree in History of Spain, UNED. LIS
by IMED, Madrid Institute for Documentary Studies. Courses
case for Literature in the College of Doctors and Lawyers Madrid and the English University Foundation.
Madrid has been a correspondent in the magazine Art in Valencia. Collaborations with Dreams and Markets magazine. Collaboration with the literary magazine ALGA. Publications
historical research and artistic for UNED: Santuario de Cortes, rural Gothic: S. Sebastian Munera.
Participation in the Anthology: Beyond the Boom, New Narrative Hispanic, Ed Lord Byron. Poems published in the Catalogue of the dolmen Dalí Tribute (Ed. Mint). Participation in four anthologies of New English-American poetry, Ed Lord Byron. Anthology of micro-stories, Poetics and Treinta. The book's narrative: From Beyond, ghost stories. Ed Lord Byron. The forthcoming book: The Skin Of Wind.
poetry recitals in the auditorium of La Casa de la Moneda, in the convention hotel, at the Ateneo de Madrid, etc. Lyrics for the composer Javier Street. Various readings
Poems: The Skin Of Wind, Madrid, Alicante and Valencia.
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