Porfirio Mamani Macedo is a Peruvian writer, Doctor in literature at the Sorbonne University (France), which reveals part of his poetic creation through the blog that bears his name. The major motivation Porfirio Mamani to create your blog is to spread his literary production to the Hispanic community. We
from and introduces us to see part of his literary work and strongly encourage you to read.
To log into your blog, do clc in http://letrasdeporfirio.blogspot.com/
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Porfirio Mamani Macedo
Peruvian poet (Arequipa, 1963) and Doctor in Literature at the University of Sorbonne. He has published poems and short stories for magazines in Europe, USA and Canada. He has published books: "Echoes of Memory" (poetry) Editions Haravi, Lima, Pérou, 1988. "Les Vigie" (stories) Editions L'Harmattan, Paris, 1997. "Voice on the banks of a river / Voix sur les rives d'un fleuve" (poetry) EditInt Editions, 2002. "Le jardin oublié l'" (novel), Editions L'Harmattan, 2002. "Beyond the day / Au-delà du jour" (prose poems), Editions EditInt, 2000. "Flora Tristan, La paria et la femme dans son œuvre Etrangère», L'Harmattan, 2003. (Essay). "Voix au-delà of frontière », L'Harmattan, 2003. "A été à haute voix" Trident neuf, 2004. Poème à une étrangère, EditInt Editions, 2005. He has taught at several French universities. He currently resides in Paris.
What date makes its appearance on the Web your blog?
About a year ago and a few months.
what purpose (s) or initial motivation?
wanted spread a little my texts to a English-speaking audience, as most of my books have been published in France
What are the blogs that usually visit?
The poetry, some literary criticism or journalism
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
okay to spread what is published, and show sketches of it is written.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in the use the blog as a virtual space free?
The advantage is that there is freedom, and the disadvantage is that some people misused.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
can not replace traditional media, but they serve to disseminate ideas.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
In some ways, yes. Is a new contribution in the media.
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
may be further improved and more effective.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
have to wait a little longer, is a short time.
What writers are accompanying your schedule of readings?
Some friends, and other anonymous readers.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
difficult to name a single book, are all the books I read.
"Project (s) on the verge?
A novel.
Contact Email: porfirio123@hotmail.fr
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