Welcome decent partnership of
the alliance of the decent, without distinction supporter in all municipalities and dep / cough against drug trafficking, for and corrupt politics!
(2) There is an old and infinite capacity for evil to divide that may face
(3) The story that there is a body doctrinopartidario and the U, the Greens, etc are indistinguishable block is just that: a story
4. Some municipalities and departments on the verge of falling back into the clutches of drug, for and corrupt politicians, to divide and conquer!
5. Who is without sin cast the first stone: this is about the closest thing to bring decency and do it NOW!
6. Have you noticed the enormous capacity of the corrupt to partner quickly and add allies gullible? React!
7. Nominations idealists generally only serve to weaken the closest to decency against the worst and they are happy!
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