Yes, ALREADY! I will say that above all is a character STREET FIGHTER , and sorry I have friends but to tell them NO! actually, that was not the idea, I guess it was something unconscious ... started drawing what I leader suggested my crazy and when I knew it had to that personajote so similar (if not identical ) to you know who ... good ... the last one seems version of the character, if you want lets leave it there ... but said that was not what I do and that is the first time it happens ...
The rest, a little of everything: a strange kind wrapped in a blanket (and that seems missing an arm ... I hope it's right because that's left arm), a genius of the lamp a both grotesque (horned and looking like a dog bah ...), a guy who has painted of being at the beach (smoking pipe ?!?!) and finally a face profile Mephistophelian ...
AND COMMENT MUCH ENJOY! (If not die in three days of a horrible, strange also embarrass their relatives, who chose to bury in the yard of a neighbor and reported his disappearance to withdraw from the case)
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