Jorge Carrión was born in Tarragona (Spain) in 1976. He holds a PhD in Humanities at the University Pompeu Fabra, where he teaches Contemporary Literature and Creative Writing. He was a member of the editorial board of the journal Side between 2002 and 2005 and currently serves on the governing board of the journal Chimera. cultural supplement is critical ABCD and works in various English and Latin American publications such as National Geographic Travel , Letras Libres, Another part , Signs , Literary Role or Revista de Occidente . Has published the essay against space travel. WG Sebald and Juan Goytisolo (Iberoamericana, 2009), an anthology of chronic North is South (Debate Venezuela, 2009), the travel book Australia. A trip (Berenice, 2008), chronic skin La Boca (Thrush Books, 2008), the artist's book GR-83 (Desktop Publishing, 2007), book reviews and travel essays Compass (Berenice, 2006) and the novella Jan (Laia Books, 2001). He has also edited the volume Piglia 's place. Non-fiction critical (Kandy, 2008). His non-fiction stories have been anthologized in Germany, Cuba, Argentina, Mexico and Spain. In early of 2010 published his first fiction novel, Dead (Mondadori). www.jorgecarrion.com

has published the poetry collections internal Animals (Asturias Joven Award 2oo6) Last Letters to Kansas (Young Poetry Prize Pablo García Baena 2oo7) and Blame Pavlov (Young Artists Awards of the City of Madrid 2oo8), and is included in anthologies like HankOver / Surf (Caballo de Troya, 2oo8) Pandoras 23 (Dance of the sun, 2oo9) Asturian Poets for s.XXI (Trea, 2oo9) or doubly (Lock, 2oo9).
With the composer Hector Tuya has the poetic-musical project Shoot about us, and has participated as a poet in meetings like Cosmopoética, Versátil.es, the steppingstone, Femigrama, or Word festival of spoken word and music and has been selected for the Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and Mediterranean in Skoopje 2oo9.
currently enjoys a scholarship foundation in the Residencia de Estudiantes.

(Sabadell, 1975, although he lives in Córdoba) is a graduate of Philosophy and professor of secondary education. He has published poetry books All fears (Renaissance, 2005, ix grooves Poetry Prize), The Book of the sunken (Visor, 2006; v Vicente Núñez Award) and War sleep so (The Drizzle, 2008). Considered by critics as one of the best examples of the new English narrative, won the Prize for Fiction Young Andalucía with the novel ice Boxing (Berenice, 2007) and the International Award Pindar 2008 (Venezuela) Martyrs football . Has been included in anthologies of poetry as The Kiss. English poetry last , Half Fold, Manchester, 2009, and narrative as Mutants. English narrative art , Berenice, Córdoba, 2007 or Poe, prepared by Fernando Marias to 451 editions. He collaborated also with many magazines as Nayagua , Chimera , Europe Taker , Trains 13 , and electronic media as dogs' conversation or Literaturas.com . In late 2009 published in the foam Pages Hispanic Literature Anthology Beatle , and has in press the novella The Thief of morphine .

born in 1977 in Venice. Holds a Ph.D. in American literature, a teacher, translator and poet. He has published Meat time (2002), Rossella Butterfly (2003), The sacrifice of the sea (2004), Veneziaires Multiverse (2005), Writing Scar (2006), Water Words (2007) and between the flesh and the words (2008).

was born in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) in 1980. After several visits to San Sebastián, Helsinki and Manchester, now lives in Paris. A Diploma in Tourism and Diploma in International Secretariat exchange universities of Helsinki and St. Petersburg (International Business) , Master in Marketing Management and Communication. Currently studying English Language and Literature.
has published the poetry collections I fell Jungle (Torremozas, 2007) and Round Trip (difficult, 2009), a book for which he received the International Prize for Poetry VII Martín García Ramos. Her poems have been included in anthologies Poems for a minute I (hypallage, 2007) and New Voices Selection XX (Torremozas, 2007) and in magazines like Shadow of quince, Different Worlds, The Dialogue of the dogs or fanzine Sobia Bar in printed and digital. XX In 2007 he received the New Voices Poetry Award and received a mention at the XII International Prize Poetry by Poets La Porte des losses. He was a finalist I Youth Poetry Award Pablo García Baena, the Third International Youth Poetry Award The Drizzle, the First Prize for Poetry RNE or XV Young Poetry Prize Merida.
currently coordinates the project I also read , to promote reading among young people, and maintains a web page about their work ( www.saraherreraperalta.com ) as well as a personal blog address www.elfuturotieneformadehuracan.blogspot.com

has participated in anthologies: 23 pandoras, English alternative poetry (Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2009), I do Amor Um day poem for each day do year (Publisher: Ministry two Livros. Portugal, 2009), Voices of the end (Fundación Juan Ramón Jiménez, 2005), Voices of Extreme (City Council Béjar, 2009). His poems have also appeared in literary magazines and supplements: Alex Lootz, Minguante, the canvas hammock, stone mill, Sulscrito, Nayagua, Luke, Poesmash (Vinalia Trippers 2007), Verses. 12 Rounds (Editions Satellite) The Chidren's Book of American Birds (Ed. Lethe), The Souk, etc. Some of his poems have been translated into Portuguese by the editorial Sulscrito (Faro, Portugal, 2006). He has also participated in meetings of poetry: Voices of Extreme (Moguer, 2005; Béjar 2009), Word / Word, Meeting Portuguese English poetry (Punta Umbria, 2006, and Portugal, 2007), Edita, International Meeting of Independent Publishers (Punta Umbria, 2006, 2007, 2008), Salon du Livre de Huelva (2008), Bridging the Gap recitals, dance Publishing del Sol (Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife, Mexico, Croatia ...). In NARRATIVE The Women do not have to crush his heart with garlic in a mortar (Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2008).
has participated with stories in the books: The Storyteller, an anthology of English storytellers (Nonsoloparole Edizioni, Milan), banished Stories (Tales edition) I have bad luck with men (Editorial Catriel) Clarín Awards and Larra (Editorial Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ciudad de Getafe (Editorial City of Getafe). Other projects carried out: Screenwriter and co-director of the short life in common, national award screenwriting "The Night of the Hunter 2008; Author of the exhibition of pictures and words Palestine and Nicaragua, chronic emotional, exhibited at various venues in Madrid and Tenerife in the MUMES Festival 2007, author of the poems for the exhibition Dreams, in collaboration with the photographer Rafa Martin exhibited in Madrid in 2006. Blog: http://inmalunatica.blogspot.com

(Madrid, 1965) is Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Navarra. Among his previous books include Deep in the forest. Julien Green's youth (1998), Claudio Magris Studies (2000) and Tribute to José Jiménez Lozano (2006). Has exercised literary criticism on the ABC in World in Reason and La Vanguardia. Is a contributor to publications such as Book Review, Turia or Revista de Occidente . Since 2003 he heads the Chair of Aesthetics and Félix Huarte Contemporary Art. Soon to appear his first novel, The third person, and is currently working on a book about the war English civil and exile in 1939. Since March 2008 keeps Hobby Horse, a literary blog on the internet.

(Mataró, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1970). Author of over thirty titles, including novels, books of short stories and novels aimed at young readers. A literary critic in the pages of The Cultural , supplement the daily El World. He has received the City of Alcalá Award for Fiction, Fiction Young University, Alfonso de Cossio storybook, Wide Angle, Åland Edebé and youth literature. Among his titles include: Solos (Pre-text, 2000), Outdoor (Pages Foam, 2003), Learn to flee (Seix Barral, 2002) , Cornfield with Crows (Algaida, 2000), squatted (Alba, 1997), Wolf Eyes (SM, 2004) or Irina ring (Edelvives, 2005, for which he won a prize for best book of 2006 Banco del Libro of Caracas, Venezuela). She is the editor of the anthology Ten. New story anthology of Catalan (Pages Foam, 2006). His novel, Death of Venus , final results Primavera de Novela Award 2007. Some of his recent titles published are Towards light (Espasa, 2008), Mom Sold (SM, 2009) which won the prize steamer and Bel, love beyond death (SM 2009) . His stories have been anthologized several times and his work has been translated into half a dozen languages. Since April 2006 is Content Coordinator of Storm in a glass . His website is http://www.caresantos.com/

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