was born in Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) in 1980. After several visits to San Sebastián, Helsinki and Manchester, now lives in Paris. A Diploma in Tourism and Diploma in International Secretariat exchange universities of Helsinki and St. Petersburg (International Business) , Master in Marketing Management and Communication. Currently studying English Language and Literature.
has published the poetry collections I fell Jungle (Torremozas, 2007) and Round Trip (difficult, 2009), a book for which he received the International Prize for Poetry VII Martín García Ramos. Her poems have been included in anthologies Poems for a minute I (hypallage, 2007) and New Voices Selection XX (Torremozas, 2007) and in magazines like Shadow of quince, Different Worlds, The Dialogue of the dogs or fanzine Sobia Bar in printed and digital. XX In 2007 he received the New Voices Poetry Award and received a mention at the XII International Prize Poetry by Poets La Porte des losses. He was a finalist I Youth Poetry Award Pablo García Baena, the Third International Youth Poetry Award The Drizzle, the First Prize for Poetry RNE or XV Young Poetry Prize Merida.
currently coordinates the project I also read , to promote reading among young people, and maintains a web page about their work ( www.saraherreraperalta.com ) as well as a personal blog address www.elfuturotieneformadehuracan.blogspot.com
Inma Luna
(Madrid, 1966) is a journalist. Has published in Poetry: Newton's circle (Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2007), From round to round , an anthology of English poets traveling in Mexico (Ediciones del Hermit-Mexico-and Dance Sol-Tenerife, 2007), with Uberto Stabile and Antonio Orihuela, Nothing for dinner (LFC Ediciones, winning the Local Poetry Prize Villa de Leganés 2005).
has participated in anthologies: 23 pandoras, English alternative poetry (Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2009), I do Amor Um day poem for each day do year (Publisher: Ministry two Livros. Portugal, 2009), Voices of the end (Fundación Juan Ramón Jiménez, 2005), Voices of Extreme (City Council Béjar, 2009). His poems have also appeared in literary magazines and supplements: Alex Lootz, Minguante, the canvas hammock, stone mill, Sulscrito, Nayagua, Luke, Poesmash (Vinalia Trippers 2007), Verses. 12 Rounds (Editions Satellite) The Chidren's Book of American Birds (Ed. Lethe), The Souk, etc. Some of his poems have been translated into Portuguese by the editorial Sulscrito (Faro, Portugal, 2006). He has also participated in meetings of poetry: Voices of Extreme (Moguer, 2005; Béjar 2009), Word / Word, Meeting Portuguese English poetry (Punta Umbria, 2006, and Portugal, 2007), Edita, International Meeting of Independent Publishers (Punta Umbria, 2006, 2007, 2008), Salon du Livre de Huelva (2008), Bridging the Gap recitals, dance Publishing del Sol (Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife, Mexico, Croatia ...). In NARRATIVE The Women do not have to crush his heart with garlic in a mortar (Baile del Sol, Tenerife, 2008).
has participated with stories in the books: The Storyteller, an anthology of English storytellers (Nonsoloparole Edizioni, Milan), banished Stories (Tales edition) I have bad luck with men (Editorial Catriel) Clarín Awards and Larra (Editorial Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Ciudad de Getafe (Editorial City of Getafe). Other projects carried out: Screenwriter and co-director of the short life in common, national award screenwriting "The Night of the Hunter 2008; Author of the exhibition of pictures and words Palestine and Nicaragua, chronic emotional, exhibited at various venues in Madrid and Tenerife in the MUMES Festival 2007, author of the poems for the exhibition Dreams, in collaboration with the photographer Rafa Martin exhibited in Madrid in 2006. Blog: http://inmalunatica.blogspot.com
Lauren Mendinueta
(Barranquilla, Colombia, 1977). He began writing while working as a librarian in Foundation (Magdalena). In 1997 he published First Poems . His second book, Letter from the village (The Gift, 1998), won the Poetry Division of the Ministry of Culture, and the third Inventory city, (Golem, 1999), appeared with a foreword by Álvaro Mutis. In 2000 his collection extended Autobiography received two national awards for poetry (International Festival Award Medellin Poetry Prize Metropolitan University) and currently has two editions, one in Spain (casatomada, 2006) and one in Mexico (Emergency Exit, 2006). In 2005 he lived in Mexico thanks to the Arts Residency Fellowship awarded by the Ministry of Culture of Colombia and the Fund for Culture and Arts of Mexico (FONCA). He has also published a biography Marie Curie, twice Nobel (American, 2005). A retrospective collection of his poems under the title Poetry itself was published by the University Externship in Colombia in 2007 in his collection A Book for pennies with a circulation of 12,500 copies. That same year Spain won the International Poetry Prize Martín García Ramos for his book suspended vocation (Point of Lunettes, 2008). The same book, this time with a foreword by William Ospina, was reissued in Colombia in 2009 by the editorial Cruises supported by the Ministry of Culture.
Nacho Montoto
Cordoba / Cadiz 1979. Labour Relations. He studied law. Córdoba Journal columnist, a contributor to the supplement "Journal of the South." He has published the poetry collection " My memory is a slide / Spaces Unsustainable" (Crab gunman editions, 2008) and the novel "Binary " (SIM / Books 2009). Has compiled and introduced the poetry anthology " Between Bridge and the River (Almuzara, 2009) has been included in the anthology of young writers " strange times for you (Literalia, 2006) and in the anthology" Three Poems "(OCU, 2007), Poetic Anthology 2 nd Recital Chilango Andaluz (The gunman crab Editions, 2008), Anthology of Poets in Platea (The gunman crab Editions, 2008), Mount of the Bride (Almuzara, 2008) and Kiss Anthology (Half Double editorial, 2009). He has participated in the interactive project, electronic, and collective narrative CEB ( Braille Songs ) edited by Mercedes Díaz Villarías and published on Lulu.com. Plaquettes has published " City mirrors" in New Poetry Collection Fund JRJ (Diputación de Huelva, 2007) and " Recent rains " (Verses of the sun, 2008). He has collaborated with several literary magazines and digital. Has developed a work of Net Art Portal channel for contemporary culture (CaCoCu) Andalusian universities, preparing with other writers, visual poem Identidade (s) under the direction of visual poet Portuguese Rui Torres. A literary critic in the magazine port. Is co-founder and ideologist of the CAIN Collective and co collection the 14 eight thousand . Coordinates the poetry cycle "Several " in the science faculty of the work of Córdoba, as well as other activities within the cultural management. Website: www.nachomontoto.es
Felix J. Palma
(Sanlúcar de Barrameda, 1968) has been unanimously recognized by critics as one of the brightest writers and original stories of the day, one of its most prominent features ability to insert the fantastic in everyday life. His dedication to the genre of story has been reported over a hundred awards. He has published four books of short stories: The Watcher of the salamander (1998), Methods survival (1999), The internals (Tiflos Award, 2001), and Arachnids (American Award stories Cortes de Cádiz, 2003). As a novelist has published the novel La Hormiga who wanted to be astronaut (2001), Ocean currents (Luis Berenguer Novel Award, 2005), and The weather map (XL Award Ateneo de Sevilla, 2008), novel he has made his consecration as a storyteller and will be translated and published in the United States, Australia, Norway, Germany and other countries. Currently working in the press as a columnist and literary critic, teaches writing workshops and acts as editorial consultant.
On narrative, critics have said: "His works are full of ideas fortunate, unforgettable images and thoughts that remain once the reading. A delightful storyteller and disturbing "(Care Santos, The Reason). "Palma shows an overwhelming dominance of style and the various resources of the short story "(Vicente Gallego, El Mundo). Perfect phrases, startling beautiful images and texts that outline a troubled world "(Anthony Fontana, ABC). "The delivery of Palma to the fantasy is not an exercise in evasion or a game of wit, but a way of revealing the world by getting rid of rationalism. Their stories show a happy tension between poetry, tenderness and humor "(Santos Sanz Villanueva, El Mundo). "Careful, exciting and inspiring, Palma offers a sample of the best story you're writing between us" (Angel Zapata, Muface).
Álvaro de la Rica
(Madrid, 1965) is Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Navarra. Among his previous books include Deep in the forest. Julien Green's youth (1998), Claudio Magris Studies (2000) and Tribute to José Jiménez Lozano (2006). Has exercised literary criticism on the ABC in World in Reason and La Vanguardia. Is a contributor to publications such as Book Review, Turia or Revista de Occidente . Since 2003 he heads the Chair of Aesthetics and Félix Huarte Contemporary Art. Soon to appear his first novel, The third person, and is currently working on a book about the war English civil and exile in 1939. Since March 2008 keeps Hobby Horse, a literary blog on the internet.
Photo: Xavier Calbet.
Care Santos
(Mataró, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1970). Author of over thirty titles, including novels, books of short stories and novels aimed at young readers. A literary critic in the pages of The Cultural , supplement the daily El World. He has received the City of Alcalá Award for Fiction, Fiction Young University, Alfonso de Cossio storybook, Wide Angle, Åland Edebé and youth literature. Among his titles include: Solos (Pre-text, 2000), Outdoor (Pages Foam, 2003), Learn to flee (Seix Barral, 2002) , Cornfield with Crows (Algaida, 2000), squatted (Alba, 1997), Wolf Eyes (SM, 2004) or Irina ring (Edelvives, 2005, for which he won a prize for best book of 2006 Banco del Libro of Caracas, Venezuela). She is the editor of the anthology Ten. New story anthology of Catalan (Pages Foam, 2006). His novel, Death of Venus , final results Primavera de Novela Award 2007. Some of his recent titles published are Towards light (Espasa, 2008), Mom Sold (SM, 2009) which won the prize steamer and Bel, love beyond death (SM 2009) . His stories have been anthologized several times and his work has been translated into half a dozen languages. Since April 2006 is Content Coordinator of Storm in a glass . His website is http://www.caresantos.com/
Antonio Sarabia
Mexico City (1944). He studied Information and Technology at the Universidad Iberoamericana, after which he devoted himself to the radio and advertising. Following the publication of a collection of his poems under the title Three feet cat (Jaliciense Institute of Fine Arts, 1978) decided to devote himself to literature. In 1981 he moved to Europe and since 2005 is in Lisbon, Portugal. In 1988, his first novel, Dawn of the Dead , International Award finalist Diana News. It has since emerged as one of the greatest writers of modern Latin American narrative.
Couffon Claude, also a translator of Gabriel García Márquez wrote, referring to his French translation of The guests Volcano: "Antonio explores the turbulent life of a minimum Mexican people and fly with an enormous capacity for fantasy, while preventing the reader the baroque excesses fell epigone some Latin American literature of magical realism. In Sarabia, magic is fancy gimmick or trick ever. It is a book that afforded me hours of hard work not only for pleasure, what I was going from Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez. "
Some of his published works are: Amarilis (Norma, 1991), (Espasa Calpe, 1992), (Joaquín Mortiz, 1998), (Punto de Lectura , 2001). Avatars louse (Standard, 1993). Banda de Moebius (Standard, 1994). The guests of the volcano, (Norma, 1996), (Métailié Editions, 1996), (Ugo Guanda Editore, 1996), (Seix Barral, 1997), (TEA, 1997), (Buchverlage Ullstein, 1998), (EKD or seive Opera, 1999), (Conaculta, 1999), (Publiações Europe-America, 2000), (Punto de Lectura, 2003). The Dentelladas Heaven (Ediciones B, 2000), (Métailié Editions, 2000), ( EXANTA , 2005). Translated into Italian and German Bitter Oranges and Seville (Ugo Guanda Editore, 2000) and (editionLübbe, 2002), and Portuguese as A Taberna da India (Edições ASA, 2003). Return Paladin (Ediciones B, 2005) (RBA, 2006), (Casa das Letras, 2007). Troy Sunset (Belaqva, 2007), (Casa das Letras, 2008). El Refugio del Fuego (Ediciones B, 2003), travel book in collaboration with the Argentine photographer Daniel Mordzinski. First News Noela Duarte, six-handed novel in collaboration with José Manuel Fajardo and Jose Shepherd (Belaqva, 2008). L'Angelo Custode (story in English with translation into four languages), (Ugo Guanda Editore, 2003). Remember My Eyes (stories) (Ediciones B, 2003). His stories have appeared also in the following anthologies: Tales Stateless Persons, in collaboration with Bernardo Atxaga, José Manuel Fajardo, Santiago Gamboa and Luis Sepulveda (Ediciones B, 1999), (Edições ASA, 2000), (Ugo Guanda Editore, 2000), (le Fenici Tascabili, pocket, 2000), (Punto de Lectura (2001), (Edições ASA, pocket, 2002). Tales of the Sea in collaboration with Aparaín Mario Delgado, Ramón Díaz Eterovic, José Manuel Fajardo, Mempo Giardinelli, Rosa Montero, Alfredo Pita, Hernán Rivera Letelier and Luis Sepulveda (Ediciones B, 2001), (Ugo Guanda Editore, 2002) (Edições ASA, 2002 ), (Punto de Lectura, 2002). Your name floating in the Farewell, in collaboration with Nuria Barrios, Mario Delgado Aparaín, José Manuel Fajardo, Mempo Giardinelli Bartlett Alicia Gómez, José Ovejero, Luis Sepulveda and Horacio Vázquez-Rial, (Ediciones B, 2003), (Ugo Guanda Editore , 2004). The Thousand and One Nights, in collaboration with Luis Sepulveda, Alfonso Mateo-Sagasta, Elsa Osorio Mempo Giardinelli and José Manuel Fajardo, (451.Re: 2008). Lyrics in Guardia, in collaboration with Bertolt Brecht, Ricardo Jaimes Freyre, FG Haghenbeck, Andreu Martin, Guy de Maupassant, Horacio Quiroga, and José Luis Edmundo Zarate Valadés (Ministry of Culture, Mexico City, 2007). Des Nouvelles du Mexique, in collaboration with Jorge Ibargüengoitia, José Agustín, Guillermo Samperio, Elmer Mendoza, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Daniel Sada, Fabio Morabito, John Villoro, Enrique Serna, David and William Fadanelli Tuscany (Métailié Editions, 2009). Lyrics in Rebellion, in collaboration with Juan de la Cabada, Felisberto Hernández, José Revueltas, Jorge Boccanera and Tomas Segovia, (Ministry of Culture, Mexico City, 2008). Poesie Senza Patria, a book of poems in collaboration with Aparaín Mario Delgado, José Manuel Fajardo, Mempo Giardinelli, Hernán Rivera Letelier and Luis Sepulveda (Ugo Guanda Editore, 2003).
His work is translated into Italian, French, Portuguese, German and Greek. The Dentelladas Heaven, published in Portuguese under the title A Taberna da India, was selected as one of the three best novels published in Portugal in 2003. Sunset Troy was awarded the Spartacus 2008 as the best historical novel published in English this year. He is represented by literary agent Carmen Balcells in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.