comments José Córdova can read are "zoo Graffiti" of the poet John Yufra, " October " by Manuel Fernandez among others.
To enter and read your text, click http://panopticoliterario.blogspot.com/
José Córdova (Porcón, La Libertad - Peru; 1979). Professional Graduate School of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa. He is currently studying Sociology. Co-directs the creative writing magazine "ablation" and the log http://panopticoliterario.blogspot.com/ , is also co-editor of Publishers Bonesnapper. Poems, stories, articles and some of his essays have been published in magazines Swirls, Voices of Spain and the weekly The Owl, among others. He has published two anthologies of poetry: Pre-texts (Arequipa, Editorial UNSA, 2002) and the platelet profile mismatch (Arequipa, Bonesnapper Publishers, 2007).
What date makes its appearance on the Web "Literary Panopticon?
appears on 12 January this year (it took me two days to learn how to use the tools of a successful blog)
How what purpose (s) or initial motivation? It
that beyond Lima, is not much thought about literature or literary proposals are made out of it, you write, what is published goes unnoticed in the capital or else a must send their work to one of their journals to see if you can get reviewed and be within the "canon" that holds Lima (dissemination and critical of all).
So what has happened is that we have been living under construction in Lima, which means that we are the "other" are the "provinces" of the "interior" of the "Peru deep ", the" rest of the country ", etc., and, despite the vanguards of the twentieth century, Lima lives with a complex valdelomariano almost invincible, owns what is said and what is done. Hence, to seek some kind of recognition comes the soap opera "vs Creole. Andean countries ", however this has not been successful, the most reasonable I think, would have to think, reflect, theorize, and develop new avenues masmediáticos, now there are many ways to do this, one can not only be dependent on El Comercio, La Republica or Black Label, etc.
Thus, in an attempt almost subversive, I started this, and of course I know that there are still many disadvantages, so much to do and much to say. But we'll see over time how things will continue happening. For now mine is a way to take a stand against the capital charge.
What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
The Chilean poet Felipe Ruiz and Manuel Fernández, the first was posted by Paul Guillen on his blog, and served also to Paul invited me to collaborate in its magazine, virtual. And Manuel Fernandez made the blog was visited regularly almost the entire month of April being the day on 23 beleaguered so far, although in this months I could not put up a new post.
Could you mention some favorite post published?
I like the comment I made to "graffiti zoo" of the poet John Yufra and I did to "October" by Manuel Fernandez.
What are the blogs I usually visit?
are all that are Linqu in mine, usually I go once every two or three days and reviewed one by one to see what's new, or else have been published.
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication books, literary journals and personal pages?
is a unique window where you can find everything, the difference is that there are no restrictions, parameters or characteristics with respect to the quality of your work, that some editor or director of a printed document you require. Find all the freedom in the world, and there is also the paradox, you also have the freedom to choose what things to read blogs or what, in this case, you can visit.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
The advantages are that readers are in countries that you can not image may be interested in what you do, then the comments. However, the downside is that suddenly the receiver can not read much on screen, then your readers demand things short (moleskine for example) and easy, if you post something there that long perhaps bored, but anyway, the idea The post is also to be read only by people who are interested in the subject.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
I think so, auque as anything man has created, will always be used for different ends and means.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
Not only that, but also publishers are discovering new talents and new literary forms to new consumer markets with their respective models of writers who exploit (ha ha).
What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
Nothing. That is still there, that my readers have a look whenever you can, you enjoy your content (if they can somehow do), and continue to grow, especially those who are interested in things that are written on the outskirts of Lima.
What you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
not visit them, and do not recommend it. But I suppose it will cease to exist, if we are not even able to recycle our own waste, the less we will be able to do with the waste of others.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
I think so, I decided to enter this world I would not have visitors so far I have, I thought that at best would be (see other posts of close friends) 5 or 6 a week, but not until now more than I thought, despite publishing a post per month ( The initial idea was to do it weekly). Rather, what I'm perceiving is that monthly increase more. I guess that's a good sign ...
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
Over there I'm kind of nationalism: Vallejo, Oquendo, Peralta, Westphalen, Adam, Eielson, Arguedas, Joy, De los Rios, Scorza, Vargas Llosa, Ribeyro, some anthologies and many of my contemporaries; then American Peace, Neruda, Huidobro, Rulfo, García Márquez, Borges, then come the other: Böll, Navokov, Kafka, Saramago, Cervantes, etc..
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?
Still Trilce. Deep Rivers, Pedro Paramo, The Metamorphosis, (you might forget one more title.)
"Project (s) on the verge?
For now I'm doing an anthology of brand new story coming out in August Arequipa via Bonesnapper Publishers (newest editorial Arequipa), then my book of poems is indelible Processions end of the year and also by Bonesnapper.
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