To visit your blog, click on the link below:
what date officially launch your site on the web?
The January 5, 2009, but still in development and missing some files
The January 5, 2009, but still in development and missing some files
When the idea and what was the initial motivation?
To show my work, communicate with the website and learn the work of other authors.
To show my work, communicate with the website and learn the work of other authors.
Do you have any support or sponsorship to undertake it?
No, I receive no assistance of any kind
What is the most visited section and commented on by visitors? Still no
it is not officially submitted until the end of all
Any text that has attracted the most interest or public response?
still nothing to explain in paragraph # 4.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
People who have seen says it's okay which is very complete and has enough information, though not yet completed
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, literary journals and personal pages?
I'm intrigued by diffusion, can reach many readers in a very short time and all over the world, something unheard of with the paper work is lost in a smaller space.
Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?
As I said in the previous section has more coverage that the paper reaches a greater audience and expands the work faster.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
course is a more direct and quick, which you can connect with people from different countries and places, while the traditional media is in a closed cycle. The spread gets smaller groups while with this system, the limit does not exist.
Do you think virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
If the media have had to adapt to the virtual media so much so that the media have their web pages because users demand this system.
How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
can not live on the margins of globalization or because they represent the economy, finance, culture, communication, media, arts, sports, society as a whole, etc.
How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years? For
much more presence will be moving to the paper book publishers are already realizing this market and you can find a virtual Publishing, with the advantage that you get faster to the reader in any part of planet. Are already being musical phenomena authors have released their album through the Internet without having to go through the record and successfully reversed the process and record labels are those that have been then contact the authors, this phenomenon can occur with any type of art or gender.
No, I receive no assistance of any kind
What is the most visited section and commented on by visitors? Still no
it is not officially submitted until the end of all
Any text that has attracted the most interest or public response?
still nothing to explain in paragraph # 4.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
People who have seen says it's okay which is very complete and has enough information, though not yet completed
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, literary journals and personal pages?
I'm intrigued by diffusion, can reach many readers in a very short time and all over the world, something unheard of with the paper work is lost in a smaller space.
Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?
As I said in the previous section has more coverage that the paper reaches a greater audience and expands the work faster.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
course is a more direct and quick, which you can connect with people from different countries and places, while the traditional media is in a closed cycle. The spread gets smaller groups while with this system, the limit does not exist.
Do you think virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
If the media have had to adapt to the virtual media so much so that the media have their web pages because users demand this system.
How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
can not live on the margins of globalization or because they represent the economy, finance, culture, communication, media, arts, sports, society as a whole, etc.
How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years? For
much more presence will be moving to the paper book publishers are already realizing this market and you can find a virtual Publishing, with the advantage that you get faster to the reader in any part of planet. Are already being musical phenomena authors have released their album through the Internet without having to go through the record and successfully reversed the process and record labels are those that have been then contact the authors, this phenomenon can occur with any type of art or gender.
What are the virtual pages of magazines and literature that usually visit?
Antonio Suarez (artist and publisher), Mitteenn Araceli Sotomayor, Asociación Cultural Brisas del Titicaca, Blog of the poet Adrian Arias, Calle 40 (Blog Luciague adrián photographer), singer José Córdoba, Singer Laura Honrubia, Centro Hispano Peruvian Consulate of Peru in Madrid, Cooperation and Human Development, Flight of Hecate, Embassy of Peru in Spain, Emilio Vivanco, Hispanic Alliance Foundation, Foundation Progress and Culture, Youth Fete UGT Madrid, Lee tourists (on video), Afro-Peruvian singer Mariella Kohn, Martin Perez Irusta, look Malva, Musician Rafael Santa Cruz, Oscar Pauk, Peruvian painter, journalist Latino, Painting Telluric, Juaeche Carmay Poet, Poet Nora Alarcón, magazine Omni-bus, tourist magazine, surf the web (blog of poet Juan Jose Soto), three productions (web photographer Oscar de la Iglesia), Triangle of Art, Alturas Group website.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them? Links
potato and literary blogs Peru:
Black Sun Light Limbo, Exquioc Journal, The Paradox Tower, The Shaker and Surfing the Net
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
I am interested in the poetry of García Montero, Jose Hierro, Angel González, Antonio Cisneros, Felipe León, Félix Grande, Charles Bukowski, César Vallejo, Carlos Oquendo de Amat, Carmen Conde, Ana Rossetti, Blanca Andreu a novel Kent Follen, Franz Kafka, Hermann Hesse, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortazar, Juan Goytisolo, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Almudena Grandes, Isabel Allende, Antonio Gala, Katherine Neville.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or in your work on literature?
could say that many and varied, but that marked my childhood and made me turn to poetry was Platero y Yo by Juan Ramon Jimenez in my youth "under the wheels" of Hermann Hesse, "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse, "The Postman of the King" and "The New Moon" by Rabindranath Tagore, "The Master" by Khalil Gibran, later "The Flowers of Evil" by Charles Baudelaire and "Don Quixote" Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
whole world of authors, literature, established and new to fall short of your hand with the push of a button.
Any personal project on the verge?
partnerships and I would like to get involved in any further publications.
Contact Email:
Antonio Suarez (artist and publisher), Mitteenn Araceli Sotomayor, Asociación Cultural Brisas del Titicaca, Blog of the poet Adrian Arias, Calle 40 (Blog Luciague adrián photographer), singer José Córdoba, Singer Laura Honrubia, Centro Hispano Peruvian Consulate of Peru in Madrid, Cooperation and Human Development, Flight of Hecate, Embassy of Peru in Spain, Emilio Vivanco, Hispanic Alliance Foundation, Foundation Progress and Culture, Youth Fete UGT Madrid, Lee tourists (on video), Afro-Peruvian singer Mariella Kohn, Martin Perez Irusta, look Malva, Musician Rafael Santa Cruz, Oscar Pauk, Peruvian painter, journalist Latino, Painting Telluric, Juaeche Carmay Poet, Poet Nora Alarcón, magazine Omni-bus, tourist magazine, surf the web (blog of poet Juan Jose Soto), three productions (web photographer Oscar de la Iglesia), Triangle of Art, Alturas Group website.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them? Links
potato and literary blogs Peru:
Black Sun Light Limbo, Exquioc Journal, The Paradox Tower, The Shaker and Surfing the Net
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
I am interested in the poetry of García Montero, Jose Hierro, Angel González, Antonio Cisneros, Felipe León, Félix Grande, Charles Bukowski, César Vallejo, Carlos Oquendo de Amat, Carmen Conde, Ana Rossetti, Blanca Andreu a novel Kent Follen, Franz Kafka, Hermann Hesse, Gabriel García Márquez, Mario Vargas Llosa, Julio Cortazar, Juan Goytisolo, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Almudena Grandes, Isabel Allende, Antonio Gala, Katherine Neville.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or in your work on literature?
could say that many and varied, but that marked my childhood and made me turn to poetry was Platero y Yo by Juan Ramon Jimenez in my youth "under the wheels" of Hermann Hesse, "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse, "The Postman of the King" and "The New Moon" by Rabindranath Tagore, "The Master" by Khalil Gibran, later "The Flowers of Evil" by Charles Baudelaire and "Don Quixote" Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.
Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
whole world of authors, literature, established and new to fall short of your hand with the push of a button.
Any personal project on the verge?
partnerships and I would like to get involved in any further publications.
Contact Email: