Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bmx Bike Diagram With Labels

Rodolfo Ybarra - a Peruvian poets of the most important decade of the 90 - distant by choice and conviction of the sinuous world of the literary establishment presents his blog virtually the same as that bears his name, setting out with frontal and without fuss his voice as he calls land adjacent to the literature and its position on the events that mark the country's agenda. It is fortunate that Rodolfo Ybarra This paper shows us his voice at the forefront of slavery XXI century, the anonymous , San Cipriani , Alan García Grasshopper, Aldo Mariátegui or salchipapa brain, Mirko Lauer or ivory tower, the recent moqueguazo , among others. No matter who is in the spotlight who shun or look sideways.
Merced to the interview, we learn a of their projects, also related to the virtual world, which will provide space without access to editorial writers and " to not listen to them anywhere " political or aesthetic grounds or because they simply do not are interested in the establishment (stable) literary. "
To enter Blog Rodolfo Ybarra, just click on:

date makes its appearance on the Web ?
In late 2007, and in 2006 had made a very special blog that has nothing to do with literature, at least as far as form and content is concerned, there was, say, my first "place" practice, my first field test and "Mururoa Atoll" for my virtual experiments. I had no "teachers" and learned just about everything, almost the total empirical grounds, feeling, pressing buttons strange, at least for me, making mistakes and turning small signs, arrows and "advisers" very particular that appear on the screen, some with pictures of clips or happy faces, and there is not another "face possible" if you want to "learn." By the way, that the blogs I find funny, many writers take themselves too seriously, I think you always have to resort to the ludicrous, so sarcastic derision on what you do. The self-critical element has to go through laughter (read Bergson). The technology is also worthy of laughter, especially when serving a sober literature or trying to pretend any canon, isthmus.
purpose (s) or initial motivation?

In my case, is or was "to serve as a record of my work, interviews, construction, data and other, almost like a personal diary, a random documentation, sincere and almost excremental of what I do on the ground adjacent to the literature, although I really do not know when it violates the literature, or when one is being or doing more philosophy or logic, or suddenly all this literature and everything is literatulizando of so quickly and so "geometric" even the prescriptions and the dosage can be poems (see "Pathology" by Alberto Valdivia) or last or first instance we talk about literature and equally we can talk about literature historical or legal literature, literature, chemistry or whatever. That's how important these times when the barriers as the Berlin Wall, the Wall of China, that of seudocomunismo are dropping (only U.S. remains the wall with respect to Mexico and "wetbacks") to make way for another time which needs men and spirits new libertarians and totes, and Dali spoke, in the fifties, to unite art with science and painting together with the atomic equations were revolutionizing, for better or for worse, world awareness and ethics of that time. Since 1990, artists like Gunther Von Hagens (plasticized bodies), are breaking with what is known as a traditional art or avant-garde or traditional post, the use of human bodies to design sculptures that enhance the biology, but the art is , moreover, what many seem not to understand: the artist can no longer be bound by conventions or margins demarcated by the artist perhaps ethics is the ethics of scientific and medical ethics can no longer be the oath of "Hippocratic "but rather that of the oath" antihipocrático "who understand the latter can take their own conclusions. I hope not judge me, I've always tended to desecration, and no other way to approach beauty.

What are the posts or post that has (have) generated the most public response?
Here is handled much the clash of discourses, deep dialogical comparison (seudoideológica) and conflicting criteria (adverse), and when one points out the shortcomings of the other or when they simply manifest a disagreement or some idea confrontational then it breaks the "controversial" and thus put it in quotes because many confuse the discussion heights or "academic" with what one blogger has called the "dog fight" or "indignant rage" to me that I do not care. I fucked this is an anonymous discussion with someone who does not face, out there like that the thing takes shape, and as many have noticed this in the net and created posts, as opposition to a new specimen, without name, a cowering mutant that moves like a snake behind that little word "now infamous," anonymous. " By the way, I wrote an article on this topic I develop in a future book.

Could you mention some favorite post published?
Each post has its peculiarities, its "bias" lies in a personal taste, although many may believe that because a particular post has a significant amount of comments will be considered "best." In my post I think the politicians have better taste receptive (because face a reality more visible than the same fictional literature), at least I perceive, now, of course, there are posts that deals strictly with literary matters (in the accurate and specific sense of creatio), there also seems to me that I find the taste. I would like to point out that there are posts where I have intervened photos with photoshop program and although the text itself valid the posts, however, is the picture which has given more power and the inevitable comment. Then we can say that there is a "favoritism" subjective (unit and another not, and I am referring to the particular issue in my person and it is those who read the blog), in terms of "favoritism "objective, I believe the only way to get there is to be aware that suddenly a good post, well done, well structured, you may not read one, or maybe you just do not have comments and go unnoticed.

What are the blogs I usually visit?

I'm very interested discussion posts and science of ufology, also reviewed that handle random knowledge, say knowledge is not essential that border gossip or news science accessory such as "the first brain transplant which occurred in a lab rat and that happened last year, interesting huh?, or the first legal problems also arise with the "first face transplant, happened to a man bitten and disfigured by a dog, not to mention the issues raised with the sheep" Dolly. " Or do you think that that the average American uses almost no bidet because he bathes twice a day, etc. As to blogs strictly or literary style, here in Peru or Peruvians abroad visited to "Black Sun" by Paul Guillén, the "Zone News" Paolo de Lima, "Airlift" by Gustavo Faverón, "Light of Limbo" of Victor Coral, "Pen and Hammer" by Javier Garvich, "Utero de Marita" (Alpaca) by Marco Sifuentes (Ocram), "Amor Bizarro" by Max Parker, "Generation car bomb" Martin Roland, yours, "Surfing the net "which is becoming a sort of golden yellow pages or blogs, etc..

What think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
Sounds like a good option, but takes the texture of the book, paper, ink.
largely offsetting the dysfunctional world of bankruptcy issues and the gap of those that could publish books. Now the financial, is located on the side of literature at least in the editorial process, that is good and tends to "democratize" the process of production, although we can not forget to edit a book involves more than simply bringing it to light , there is a whole mechanism goes from general advertising in other means to strengthening ideas that can not be achieved simply by editing the book and point.
What advantages and disadvantages have you noticed in using the blog as a virtual space free?
The main advantage is to propose a space for personal voice and a good corner to political issues and clashes against the bosses of the newspapers and magazines who run the dictatorship of the concepts. A bit that this is deteriorating, it is not so easy to lie and give manipulated news, in the same way in the literary field, many are looking threatening pseudocritical work, because now the young critics, who virtually silenced in other print media are publishing via the net, and the funny thing about all this is when they appear conflicting opinions about the same turning point, book or character, then the net is more to offer because they are mostly people who do not depend on a floor, nobody pays anybody here or at least not know. In this sense, the net tends to sincerity, but as many have anticipated, is a relative one, for sure, will soon go lumpenizando and giving space for the bribe and those vices of bourgeois society.

Do you think that blogs have become an alternative way dissemination and expression to the traditional media?
I think there is a pseudo-information revolution led by the blogs and say it is pseudo, as well as a good blog to report and document readers, blogs are also the garbage that misinform and generate hazardous noise, entropy for reader warned. Recently a well-known literary critic complained of the "distortion" of the posts in the literary and, I think, is utterly mistaken because blogs do not necessarily respond to charges because "ethical" or "bourgeois ethics," freedom involves a bit of thought more than the acceptance of "other truths" also implies the bazurización and ultimately acceptance of the lie, not as an intrinsic part of the true dream, but a peaceful coexistence where it is necessary that people say what they have to say whether it is a fallacy.

Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
that have led not only to renew formats, but have also entered strongly in the vein of the net, and many newspapers and television reports from the virtual environment, and newspapers and magazines now "keep" editing in the net for those who want to review it, and certainly many have been revived and they charge you to check your virtual media, there is a sense of greed in this.

What future prospects will see the weblog as a communication vehicle, information and dissemination?
The future of the weblog is marked by the market system, it is necessary to continue appearing more blogs in order to generate a powerful network that can deal with advertising, which according to my analysis is going to break the apparent democracy "that exists with blogs. If we analyze this important vehicle information, we will realize that there is already an indication of what I'm saying, because if the particular advertising can leave its mark of "sponsorship" on a blog, we can expect the "publicity" state or "propaganda" then it would have little difference to the newspapers and other traditional media, perhaps to make it happen is not much time. Hopefully many will resist the temptation, then we will see who is who or who are playing at being the "valuable sites" of a new information tool.

do you think about the weblog called "junk blogs?
much fear to breathe is what the garbage posts, I think because it has built many literary careers based on bluff and "lift" the good auspices of a bourgeois press who knows how to create a wall of writers servants and porters that allow you to continue to exploit the rest. I think that one should not confuse a blog that makes critical acid or dedicated to oust moniker or inflated reputations with blogs that use their virtual space for physiological needs or cathartic, that's another thing.

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your initial expectations?
As I said at the beginning, the idea of \u200b\u200ba blog is like a random storage of my marginal production. I can not speak of having "met" some expectation that the expectation itself be posting and have a "not miss" certain literary remnants that I developed. As I said once "my humility is pride, my searches and" encontrones "virtual reality are ambitious character as anyone who seeks to" writer "(with or without quotation marks). Good to know, beyond what one wants to achieve with weblogs, writing always finds a way to be successful, there is a autohedonismo a autocópula and, simultaneously, a self-flagellation, even in the writers cacografía syndrome or those who are called "pure writers" or "pure poets" (What that?, in these times is almost ridiculous.) Literature is the ambivalence of pleasure and pain, this can be positive or negative, according to the perspective that you look at the glass (note that I am reversing the terms, say to be less prosaic - who is saved from this ? answer: I believe that no-). These days I'm interested in just writing, I do not make me lots of film, I have resolved dozens of pages wondering the same thing and I always find different answers, and would like the formula that has some to find a one-dimensional answer to everything.

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings?
At this point, without committing the sin of vanity, I can talk about thousands of authors, I have been addicted to public libraries, I have a file of 15 000 titles. I have a library, including inheritance, bought books to booksellers in the old avenue Grau (I'm not used to that "Via Expresa Grau" has not helped at all to traffic and that is the skeleton of a white elephant for photos postcards and tourists revisiting fooled) and the "Amazon" should be about 25 thousand books divided into three houses, the house of my mother, my mother's house and my house "Orrantia Sea."

What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or your contact with the literature?

The nearly 50 000 books, some read twice, others half, some reviewed in the point that interests me. Not detract anyone, any book teaches something, do not consider any book "bad" culteranismo not suffer from "negative" or rather "contemptuous", everything that man has produced, even the wrong sides, provided teach something, there is always something to learn and never stop doing.

"Project (s) on the verge?
Build a couple of Web pages, one at least dedicated to writers who do not listen to them anywhere (many of them quite advanced in relation to the "advertised" and no gentlemen engagement), which not have access to publishers, who are constantly either no political or aesthetic reasons, or simply not interested in the establishment (stable) literary because they are more interested in the market and literary trends "corrupt" to good writers and making good critics slaves of a production process where the books are equivalent to vegetables and household appliances. This regrettable. I have a vocation for service, so I will not collect any sun for it, because apparently there are people who have seen business ("niche" they call it) on this too. On the other hand, we also try to publish several books that are already finished, text essays, random constructions on different fields of scientific knowledge, mathematical, chemical, biological, and others who deal with what they call "literary." How this is linked, that's interesting, perhaps literature is like adventure sports pleasure is not the end, but in the process while it is "falling" or "rising" in the Cartesian plane of writing in which nothing can stand still or "idle."

Contact Email:
Phone: 999960111


He studied pure mathematics, physics, electronics and communications.
undertaking has committed an offense in poetry the following attacks:
- "The Tunik of Ankou" Edit author. (1989)
- "Symphony of Kaos" Smoke On the Water Publishing. (1993)
- "Vomiting" Editorial Mantaro (1998)
- "On the Mouth, Dead Duodenum Editorial (2002)
-" Breaking Heje "Shell Publishing (2006)
- "Carne Humana" Editorial VL (2006)
- "Construction of the Minotaur" Editorial Zign (2006)
At the theoretical level has published a pamphlet of agitation and propaganda called "Weapons of the Writer" over two thousand pages, and which has left the first volume (first attack .) recorded in video "The Decline of Lima" (1998) 1 h. 45 ``, and video art "Omnivore", "mirror", etc. In music, apart from having composed over 100 songs and 3 operas, he has participated, since the early nineties, in the campaign of "Musical Terrorism" with the band Acid Distortion "and supported other like" Melchor Bad, "" Cannibal Africa "Acid" "Banana Contaminated" etc.Ha also directed a TV show clandestine quasi UHF channel 27 under the name "Degeneration" political-cultural program that was broadcast on Saturday from 1997 to 1998 and ended because of the despotic, tyrannical and execrable Fujimori, who seized illegally Chorrillos.En radio antenna co-produced "Our Time" which aired on Radio Santa RosaHa edited the magazine "Expressway", "The Red Mosconi, and fanzine "Acid" corrosive literary, produced in tandem with the ineffable Carlos Rengifo.Como vintage designer suits intervened Giorgio Armani, receiving the approval of several fashion magazines among which are the magazine "Fact". "El Comercio" in his magazine "Somos" dedicated 5 pages. The economic daily "management" recognized his talent also oneg "Women and Society" invited to lecture in the classroom over two hundred institutional important members of the SMEs in Lima.La lack of access has forced publishers to participate in obscure literary competitions, having won some and lost others. It has been 3-time finalist (with many other books) in the Cope Award for Poetry and finalist (second place) in the Prize "José Watanabe" the Peruvian-Japanese 2007. He has won the National Prize for Poetry 500 vl organized by the Municipality of Lima to the book "Human Flesh". Has given hundreds of recitals in public and private universities, institutes, cultural centers, unions and young people, as well as in institutions prison, as in the "Castro Castro", where he has worked in artistic and literary workshops and conferences given internas.Ha controversial "A Theory For The Counterculture" (2004) in the Peruvian-British Institute Miraflores.En field technological-scientific improved Heron aeolipile constituting a complex machine that could help produce electricity at low prices, and has also designed its own "Orgone Machine" based on inconclusive studies of Wilhan Reich, and could stop and heal the texts cáncer.Sus are scattered in countless anthologies and exhibitions, among which are "The generation of the nineties", published by the National Library, "Cope Award Anthology" Ediciones Petroperú, "Journal Aedosmil", "Journal Homunculi", "Meeting new writers "Scientific University of the South," Anthology 51 poetic poets, "Revista Truck Route", "Journal K'ollana", "Polis Lima" Editorial Zeta, "slapped a corpse" etc. In the Web moving dozens of pages, blogs and collaborations, mostly not authorized by the autor.Su work has crossed the Pacific and has been invited as a fellow of the Institute of France Pataphysics. Part of her work is translated into English, German and Mandarin Chinese.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Walkie Talkies As Baby Monitor


José Pablo Quevedo is a Peruvian writer born in the warm and friendly Catacaos city. He currently resides in Germany. Founder of the literary group MeloPoefant (Poetic Earthquake Resistant) for Latin American writers living in Berlin. Is a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin.
José Pablo Quevedo in his personal Web page presents some of his creative world and also outlines the critical exercise about Peruvian poetic voices claiming a sensitive and enlightened vision. Also, you can access your Web site to his poetic and musical and unpublished book Dayana hats. " Highlights the critical sections and testing, where we find between other much-discussed article The invention of the reality of race, boots and nationalism in response to Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa.
To log into your Web page, click

what date officially launch your page the Web?
My website officially comes out in January 2008. She is designed by the Peruvian poet Joan Viva.

When the idea and what was the initial motivation?

The idea arose in Germany, where I work and I see different blogs and websites that circulate in many countries and in the hands of many friends who keep in constant contact and read the information they sent me. Following my last trip in 2007, speaking with professional people, I had to either make my own page.

Do you have any support or sponsorship to undertake it?
In that I have not thought, for I can cover my own expenses.

What is the most visited section and commented on by visitors?
I think, all sections are very well visited, as I congratulate my readers and discuss their views. But in particular, I think, is the test section the most visited, as I do get comments, play the various parts of the world today, Latin American and Peruvian.

Any text that has attracted the most interest or public response?
I think, has been, without doubt, Article The invensión the reality of race, nationalism boots and a response to the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, under the analysis and critique philosophical, historical and social situation. But there have been lately, the various articles written under the title, in dialectical regression to the Peruvian reality, which is devoted to young Peruvians. Also read other sections of literary criticism is to do both Peruvian and Latin American poets, and English, and which abound many messages of congratulations via e-mail.
To this, an honor, too, that some young Mexicans, I have written that they identify with my work, and they expect that as I have philosophical treatise on historical topics Haya de la Torre, at some point, I ask touch the topic José Vasconcelos.
Some visitors have also read my contributions, I have written, and I speak of the seriousness I put into my case and all my items. Also some intellectual friends, after addressing its readings have been recommended from the beginning my site, and have put on their own Web pages, the logo on my page.
This is the case of the poet Raúl Gálvez Cuellar in Lima, and Julio Solórzano, President of the Poetry Society of Huacho. Also, my logo, appears in the Casa del Poeta Peruano and other major global institutions such as Google, which devotes about 30 pages (in Castilian and German) to various cultural issues and my work, and deliver many images mine.

Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
I, which is only five short months, but let me tell you, I am satisfied of having started this work, and already feel the urge of many brothers, friends and readers. With many of them I have almost constant communication, and receive many emails and invitations to participate in events all over the world.

What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
This has its advantages but also its opposite side. The good use, leads to the seriousness, the urge to search for writers whose voices are unknown to other readers, closed by other means, or by publishing only cling to well-known writers. The virtual can serve as a way to make them known, serves to break in a monopoly of information which are in few hands. But the virtual spaces must also promote good presentation of the works, a quality selection of writers, whether novice or already experienced. But that environment also requires us to not allow mediocrity, plagiarism, copying, no originality. In it, be careful and respect for the reader. Virtual spaces as there are only intended to provide opportunities for fun and not thinking.

Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?

I think both forms of communication today, are expressions of praxis in different times and derived from the technique, and therefore counts as one another. The two are held in groups of readers. For example, here in Europe, the book is still the nexus of support for favored readings, as to the quality of its presentation, the visual that we offer but can also be appreciated by touch, also from the relationship that offers to its authors, and therefore has become a traditional taste in people's behavior and in some ways can be taken at any stage, manually.
Here, for example, are edited millions or thousands of books of books of one author. The virtual space is still limited, and above all, one can not afford to be sitting at the screen all the time reading. Many books are cheap and readily available. But sometimes, the Internet, or through a Weblog, you can find information quickly.

Do you think blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?

Blogs have winged feet in communication, serve to quickly inform the profile of both authors, especially in environments where they have not been able to purchase books for the high costs. The brief nature of blogs will help provide good information and constitute an alternative, but I do not get to suppress the book. As the book is more personal, more mutual between author and reader.
In it, I began to think about the work of authors who have over a thousand pages, or tests that are too long, and I wonder sometimes if the reader can be able to withstand the hustle and read everything on the screen.

I think, that even though the internet and blogs will help us to conquer many of our searches, these will not totally replace traditional communication methods. The man, besides having the sense of sight, it has other senses, and with them, receive other forms of external communication, such as music and feel that invites you to reception to paper quality. What Man can do many new things, is to achieve its mandate to expand your spiritual nature. In this area I know, how old techniques are being offered work with modern techniques. And I see, also what was once thrown into the trash raises a new nostalgia and again there are things that are discarded in our rooms, such as radios, record players, old books, scrolls, etc.

Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?

I think, here is a dialectic, and that this is an active dynamic. Many Weblogs bring something new, expressions, images, designs, shapes, and media and information. This is the creative part of the authors, is that flesh and spirit of the artist and art. Precisely writers and poets in the act of creation is ongoing, and is renewed in spiritual forces. Each dynamically created or try to create something new and creating influence of one or another way to others, as well as outside influences so.
And in that, there are many things that are renewed, although sometimes only in the shell.
That taught us to see that Art is not static, but is a permanent river and regressive and differential, a river in which one bathes, not just once but many times, because each time is different, and each time creates a method and a different technique. We walk in time according to a number of denials and to overcome that history records in a differentiated way. This is called social progress.

How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of globalization or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
For over a century and a half capitalism has been added to our continent, and somehow or other there is a direct or indirect address this way plant production, in terms of exchange or receipt of property, and viciversa.
Historically, economically advanced countries in the capitalist economy have been identified and determined even those terms of trade, the values \u200b\u200bof material and spiritual life. We also know the positive and negative effects of these relations of production compared to our countries, determinism, damaging treaties that implement dependency, hegemony, aggression to nature, war, only the desire of gain, etc. . Front
the latter, there are several forms of rejection, ranging from anti-imperialism and as a cultural rejection of many peoples and ethnic groups that have been subjected for many centuries to these outrages.
The issue is not only the acceptance of capitalist values \u200b\u200bin the modern world as a fait accompli and seen primarily as social progress for all, as in this field there are many things that have been dehumanized and which are foreign to man, and that serve only the reproduction of social group interests. Neither should be submission address this economic determinism, or the auction have cultural as oligarchs and bourgeois classes in our country, giving away for nothing to the powers the legacy of our ancestors. Neither should be an acceptance of all its values \u200b\u200band thus alienating-critical attitude of intellectuals, to making and packaging industry information in the field of entertainment, which has implanted artificial values, ranging from aggression, sexism, pornography, war as necessary, and death as an act in its pure vandalism.
capitalism (ie a group of capitalist nations) in their global stage, creates a world after its likeness, which is the hunters maximum profits. In its wake growing mountains of nuclear waste, holes in the land of giant moles dependent countries, the planet heats up and washes away huge glacial stage short of three Amazonian forest every day, takes away many species of animals, promotes war and genocide in the villages that are not submitted to it, etc, etc.
important thing is to end such relationships of dependency and the destruction of vast quantities of goods to this group rich nations and promote a new kind of globalization that goes hand in hand of Man and Life, a kind of globalization that emphasizes other values \u200b\u200bof fraternity and brotherhood among peoples. This technique can be used, but within a world of social justice, for example, in some indigenous communities that use the cell phone and television, but in terms of disseminating their own language and as a means of information for other communities.

How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years?

not what I anticipate to happen, and even, sometimes, I support the philosophy of a priori, for me the most important is what we to be for now, envisioning the changes that are taking place in Latin America and the world. The most important thing is to contribute to this clarification, and the writer need not be a dilettante at this time. There regressive successive iterations have taken place in the history of peoples, many different repetitive historical issues, and intellectuals have to Elegua philosophy they deserve, but also its social commitment, and be part of his time, and Elegua be the side of the real changes.
answer your question, I will tell you that this technique will be refined, and perhaps our other results. But in any case, I do not desire a world of communication virtual non-manipulated, but serious, educational and creativity that suits his age. As we know, sometimes, the reality beyond what is improbable, because it actually contains a lot of wealth beyond any fantasy. The reality is the centrifugal force in the expansion of the macro and the microcosm that is also found in the man of vision, consistent and creative.

What are the virtual pages of magazines and literature that usually visit?

are many, and they appear in the profile of my Web page.

What writers are your gallery accompanying readings? Could

almost give you a catalog of names, but within them there are philosophers, historians, writers, poets of our continent and the world. Just look at my website and the names of many of them. Especially in my selected readings, I always see the classic, romantic, modern and many other streams of Art and Literature. In my tests but also for my translations, mostly from German into Castilian, I have also as a high benchmark for many current poets of Latin America and Europe.

What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or in your work on literature?

The cause of any literary experience and completion is determined, no doubt influenced by one or other, later, the writer or poet breaks with his own wings. On this subject and the poet and philosopher Raúl Gálvez Cuéllar review has addressed some of these influences but also concatenate some ideas or thoughts poured into my poetry. But he also talks about the originality of my literary thought against Latin American and world poetry.
For some great poets read books and I served as a source of inspiration, enough talk of the English classics, the Generation of the Nineties, Romantic poets. Others, who are always my favorite poets are Peruvians, especially from César Vallejo great until you reach Angel Gavin. Perhaps also the work of Pablo Neruda has contributed to the animation of my spirit, but I do not think Nerudian. Ruben Dario also, though more in its sap in its metric. The French poets, called "cursed " , outlined in part my iconoclastic and skeptical position against a particular religion. Others have been, the German classics, Goethe and Schiller.
Of these, I have read many of his books. But a truly stunning book is the book of César Vallejo "Human Poems", a book made for all men and a human model for all time. Another, perhaps, is "Faust" by Goethe, philosophical, of great depth and current information to our people "what you call the spirit of the time, that is in its essence, the lords of your spirit, in which time reflected "

Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
Apart from the satisfaction, it allows me to improve myself, because I think I'm connected to a reading public and with which I establish a permanent dialogue.

Any personal project on the verge? Many

. But particular subject, the continuity of the philosophical project on dialectics in regression, on which I've been working and being advised by Raúl Gálvez Cuéllar.

Contact Email: jose.quevedo @

José Pablo Quevedo (Catacaos - Piura, Peru). From 1976 to 1989, German studies and philosophy and candidacy for the degree of doctor of philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin. Since May 1996, organized the "Quote of Poetry, Latin-Berlin" poetic and cultural event which takes place in Berlin spring. JPQ is founder of the literary group MeloPoefant (Poetic Earthquake Resistant) of great literary and cultural significance for Latin American writers living in Berlin, Germany.

poetic work: "The night, one day back to the sun", Lima, 1973; "Diever", Berlin, 1980; "Torsos and stones", Ediciones Aguilar, Centennial Tribute to César Vallejo, Trujillo, Peru, 1994 , "Immer ein anderer", Berlin, 1996, "Der Kontinent der Sonne", a book that contains 5 pieces of soap operas for children, and were produced and published by the Berliner Rundfunk Berlin since 1986.

1995, "The Continent of the Sun", cassette contains 10 songs written. Later reissued "The Continent of the Sun", a CD containing 19 songs.

In 2001, in Lima, the House publishing company "AEDOSMIL" has published two books of poetry: "Variation of Light" and "Poems for a body on." In 2002, Alejo Publishing House, in Lima, he published books of poetry: "Orovela" and "The melting of time." In 2003 have been published by the same Editor Alejo, books: "The hidden margins of the Rain" and "Voices Opening dawn ", and in 2005" Huellarios fire and snail "and" Orillero Sea. " José Pablo Quevedo

also published in the anthologies "MeloPoefant (Berlín1996) and Earthquake Resistant Poetic (Berlin 1997)," Trilce "Edition Berlin. 1998 - 99 was published in anthologies have been published by MELOPOEFANT-Edition, on the occasion of the III., IV., V., and the Citation X Poetry Lateinamerika Berlin. Also his poems have been published in the anthology "wie ein Geschenk Jedesmal" Laesa Edition, Berlin, 2000, Old Rivers, New Voices Maribela, Lima, 2003, edition of the House Peruvian poet, Ausgeschriebene Zeit, Lirik-anthology, edited by Aphaia Verlag, Berlin, 2003. About his work and his biography one can tell in the book "Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland", published by the Publishing House JB Metzler, Stuttgart - Weimar 2000. Also the poet has been published in Poetry Circle, Letters of indifference, story drops in Motion Lyrics hug, hug editions, Uruguay, 2003, 2005, 2006. José Pablo Quevedo

has also published in the Journal Alpha at the University of Lagos, Osorno, Chile, 2000, and is a contributor to the magazine Alhucema of Granada, Spain. In 2003 and 2004, has published a bilingual edition, two teams of poems by German authors, including Charlotte and Elisabeht Grasnick Hackel, Juergen Polinski, poets Lesebühne Karlhorst der Kulturen Berlin.

José Pablo Quevedo, is an illustrious son of the city of Catacaos and holds the Presidency of the Casa del Poeta Peruano in Germany, the poet represents the movement Mammalia Cultural Communication and Lima, and embrace the Movement Representative of Uruguay. In February 2006 was appointed Ambassador of Poetas del Mundo in Germany, an organization of poets that contains more than 2 000 poets in the world. Also in this country Teutonic serves as Representative of the Latin American Writers fraction linked to the Lesebühne der Kulturen Berlin-Karlhorst.

this poet's work is translated into seven languages \u200b\u200band his poems and prose works and literary essays are distributed in major magazines and newspapers in Latin America and Spain.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Cross 3rd Level In Cubefield?

Mario Gallo, Argentine writer, translator and English teacher, began his tour in the virtual world " in their need to go beyond the boundaries of a village "in 2006, with the first version of its personal page of literature. Earlier this year, Mario Gallo presents a second version. It displays a colorful presentation, attractive design that leverages existing resources. When you load the page, we will refer to the option Plano, it will open the image of a house they find, when the pointer moves around it, its different rooms: The desktop The room, the living , the winery and garden. In each, you can visit and learn about the world of M. Gallo . Also, M. Gallo shares her blog " Mario Gallo from Terra Australis "that can be accessed by clicking
To visit the website of the author, click:

what date officially launch your web page?
In August 2006, the first version, and in March 2008 to the present.
When the idea and what was the initial motivation?
The idea came as a necessity to go beyond the boundaries of a village. Motivation: the challenge of trying to be part of a new universe.
Do you have any support or sponsorship to undertake it?
Do I support? The most genuine of all: the creators of Friends.
What is the most visited section and commented on by visitors?
Lately I have no idea because the page no counters or the like. Although in the first version, thanks to the counters, I know that many people came and most remote locations.
Any text that has attracted the most interest or public response?
I think my book TERRA AUSTRALIS. It has given me great satisfaction beyond the big village.
Can you make an initial appraisal of this experience on the Web? You think you've successfully achieved your goals?
My goals, taking into account the large number of writers who are on a planetary level, are quite modest. I think my expectations are, satisfied. See if not, I'm here with you, as if were the next door neighbor despite the great distance that separates us. Is not this a huge achievement?
What do you think of the fastest growing use of virtual space as a medium for publication of books, magazines, literary and personal pages?
In my case, all new to me full of energy. Although I am aware that this will take some time for you on the importance or the seriousness it deserves. You can even do not even get to see the results, but that does not bother me.
Do you see more advantages than disadvantages in the use of virtual space instead of the traditional publishing media (paper)?
I have five published books. Four in the traditional media. The last larval Poems, which recently published through Lulu virtual publishing a total success from the beginning of the process until final delivery of the material in front of my house. The difference? I have not had to pay upfront, I have not had to deal with anyone, I have not had to travel, even I am the sole owner of any errors in the publication. I can even send to print a single copy. It is a kind of panacea. In terms of impact on the public, for me, being a writer little lost in the ass in the world in an underdeveloped country, it makes one or the other ... for now.
Do you think that blogs have become an alternative form of distribution and expression to the traditional media?
I love blogs, or blogs as I like to call them. The log of a captain going through turbulent seas and recording their experiences to share. It's great. It gives us even the possibility of several characters at once. I started very tentatively with my blog From Terra Australis ( ), but this is where those who enter have a chance to get my own essence.
Do you think that virtual spaces such as weblogs have prompted the media to renew their traditional formats and expression?
How do you think local cultures affect the atmosphere of "globalization" or globalization? Can you live on the margins of globalization?
Some look with suspicion. Others take it as a challenge and try to participate. Can not live apart. It is also true that the phenomenon of the Web is still leaving many outside because do not yet have the necessary resources. It is a forced marginalization.
How do you visualize the virtual world literature in a few years? Much
What are the virtual pages of magazines and literature that usually visit?
I have no one in particular. Arrive and fly. The fact that someone sends me something, I agree terribly, as if the only person in the galaxy.
Do you have contact with weblogs or virtual pages Peruvian literature? Can you name any of them? Yes
SWIRLS, surf the web and lapses. Although I must admit, without running any risk that another incalculable, that when I enter a page where I do not notice it. It's something mechanical. As if I feel a true citizen of the world.
What writers are your gallery accompanying readings? Many
. Actually a lot. And many more still do not even know personally and who every day are aware of my potential contributions to the literary world or the sciences.
What are the books or the book that has (have) caused the greatest impact on your creative process or in your work on literature?
Walden "? "Moby Dick? Would such of mystery and imagination? Dracula? "Revolution is an eternal sleep? "All Quiet on the front? While I try to answer you, I look at my library and, although poor in relation to the "large", the books lie there really have been read several times.
Can you define your web experience on a couple of lines?
Positive, energizing and motivating.
Any personal project on the verge?
Post, after almost 10 years, my novel C-58.

Contact Email:

Mario Gallo, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1958). Writer, translator and professor of English Foreign Language.
In 1997 he received the first prize in the first contest of stories, "So has our people," organized by the Municipal People's Public Library "Arturo Umberto Illia" of Escobar for his story Retrospective.
his story in 1998 received a special train on the second story contest "So has our people, "organized by the Municipal People's Public Library" Arturo Umberto Illia "of Escobar, the third prize in the first literary contest" Floral Games "organized by the Cultural Center City Bell and the second prize in the annual literary story and SADE poetry organized by the Northeast Branch. In 1999 his story
Revelation on the banks of the Luján received a first prize and several mentions in several national competitions, published in an anthology of different authors from around the country sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of the Nation.
in 2000 published the book of Revelations stories on the banks of the Luján (Author Ed.)
In 2001 has served as President of the Friends of the Casa de Cultura de Belén de Escobar (2001-2002).
In 2003 he published and presented at the 29th Book Fair its nouvelle Tour (Ed. Dunken), and received honorable mention for his short Xmax, Escape and Tacitus in the story contest organized by the Cámara Argentina de Publications and CADD (Center Argentino Development and Dissemination of Authors novel).
published in 2004 and presented at the 30th Book Fair, Storybook Throwing his Shadow (Ed. Dunken).
his story in 2004 Tacitus is adapted and performed in the Teatro de Belén de Escobar Girona. In 2006 she published
Terra Australis (stories) recently included in catalog "Utopias and Fiction" by The National Library of Australia ) and the short story The trip is selected by César Melis to participate in the anthology stories are pure (Ed. Dunken .) In 2007 he published Poems
larval (poetry). He was responsible
(October 2003 - December 2004) the Nature and Culture of the monthly "El Cazador" of Escobar. Contributing
various literary journals, newspapers and e-zines. Co-host of radio show Reflections ... Passage (2005 - 2006). Coordinator of the series of lectures and literary readings Eclectic Reading (2004 - 2006).